Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Vegetable Salad

I have always been a super picky eater, but AJ is not, so I am trying to broaden my horizons, so he isn't eating pizza and chicken nuggets and pasta every night in Chicago!

So, I've been trying out some new recipes. As I find ones I like, I'll post them here!

My mom found this article in USA magazine:


We the basil lime corn a few weeks ago, and it was absolutely delicious!

I wanted to try using the same "dressing", but on more vegetables than just corn on the cob (yummies!!!), because, as I said before, I'm trying to expand my horizons, and corn is like, right in the middle of my comfort zone!

So, this is the recipe I made up:

4 ears of corn, grilled (the same way from the article)
1 red pepper
1 zucchini
1/2 red onion

Slice the zucchini into disks 1/2 inch thick.
Grill the zucchini and corn (the same way as described in the article).
Slice the grilled zucchini, red pepper and red onion into small pieces. Slice the corn off of the cob (it was super hot, I had to hold it with a pot holder!).
Toss the vegetables with the dressing. I used the exact same dressing as the article, except I doubled it so there would be enough to cover all the veggies!

It was delicious, and super filling! Perfect pairing with our steak and chicken on Memorial Day!

What recipes do you and your family like?

Monday, May 30, 2011

Crazy Weekend!!

What a crazy weekend we've had! I'm super exhausted, so this is just a brief overview, plus so awesome pictures :)

Friday night was my cousin's engagement party (in Brooklyn!). The restaurant is right on the water, so it was really beautiful.

 My brother and I all dressed up!

The bay :)

Saturday, AJ and I celebrated our first anniversary. We went to see Bridesmaids, it was hilarious! Definitely go see it!! The girl from Mike and Molly was fabulous! Then, we went out to dinner at Butera's, one of our favorite Italian restaurants.

But we had to get to bed early, because Sunday morning, my aunt got married in Connecticut. So, we woke up at 6 AM to shower and get dressed. The wedding was so much fun! It was also on the water, and everyone was dancing and having a great time.

I hope everyone is having a relaxing Memorial Day!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Bathroom Etiquette

There are a lot of rules in a mens' bathroom. Don't use the urinal right next to a guy, don't look at anyone. I'm sure there is no chatting. 

There are not as many rules when in a girls' bathroom. In general, it is okay for people to chat (the lines in there can be long!), ask each other to borrow perfume, hairspray, or a quick check for wardrobe malfunctions. Sometimes, people will take a poll of the bathroom to find out if their friend/boyfriend/husband did something super mean, or if they are just overreacting (just a head's up - the guy is always super mean!), but in general, ladies are friendly.

However, there are certain times we will borrow rules from the mens' room. This was one of those times.

I was using the bathroom. I was literally the only person using one of the 20 stalls there (it was a HUGE bathroom), when someone else came in.

At this point of the story, my mom asked "Oh no! Did they go right next to you? I hate that!" 



When I opened my stall door, this girl was standing right outside it

Not over by the sink/door area where the line usually starts, not even a few stall doors away waiting. 

Right outside my stall door. 

So much so that she had to step out of my way to let me out of the stall. 

Now, I find this a bit awkward. I am not sure why this girl did not chose to use one of the other 19 stalls. Or one of the stalls on the other side of this L shaped bathroom.

I just thought it was a bit weird.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Promise Ring Scrapbook Page

It was very important to me to create a scrapbook page about my ring as soon as possible. I wanted to document how excited I was feeling, so I could always look back and remember this time of my life.

I knew right away that I wanted to use Bo Bunny's Sophie's Notebook paper, because it is set up so nicely to write on.
 I really love this paper, but putting them next to each other, I sort of wish that I could change the flowers on the right paper, to the right side, instead of on their left side, so the large flowers were on either side. But, it is what it is, I'd add more flowers, but I can't find my cardstock stickers. I guess that's the problem with packing half of the scrapbook stuff already!

 Sizzix Curly Girly Alphabet - its one of my favorite scripts!

 I love the flowers in this paper line, they are the reason I love this line so much!

I just love to look at my ring :)

The journaling was especially important to me. I went through several revisions before I wrote this, and even then, I was revising as I was writing on the lined paper!

     For my twenty fourth birthday, AJ gave me a promise ring. A promise ring can mean different things to different people, but to us, it means we are going to spend the rest of our lives together. Moving to Chicago is the first step in our adventure, and no matter where this adventure takes us, we will be there together.
     I am so thrilled and excited that AJ chose to express his love for me in this way. I am so proud to wear this ring, as a symbol of our love, and our commitment to our relationship. It is a beautiful reminder of where we are going as we take the first steps of our wonderful journey together.
     I cannot wait to move to Chicago with AJ and begin our adventure.To quote him, "We are going to have an amazing life", and I am so excited that we are going to be together to share it all.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Congratulations Grads!

I spent last night and this morning at my brother's college graduation. It was bittersweet - he has made an amazing group of friends at school, and I feel terrible that they are all leaving and going back home.

We had a great weekend! Friday night, after all of the families went to dinner on their own, we all met up a local bar for a few drinks. It was really fun!

The graduation the next morning was very nice, Senator Schumer came and spoke, and it was so beautiful on the Hudson River. However, the college didn't have enough seats, so we were sitting on the grass! And, I got crazy crazy sunburned. I am in so much pain!

But - I took a ton of pictures!

On the way home, my mom and I got so lost. We took the wrong exit, and we knew where we needed to get back to, but we couldn't get back there! It took almost half an hour of driving around Westchester to finally find our way home! I'm off the try to aloe this burn, and probably fall asleep, I'm so exhausted!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

There is a good time to honk your horn

And its when you are obviously in someone's blind spot and they are about to hit you!

My car has a very small blind spot, and today, I was merging from one major highway onto another, and I don't know what happened, but I'm about halfway into the lane when I realized I was merging INTO another a car!

Did this man honk? No.

People will learn on the horn when someone stops at a yellow light instead of speeding though it, but someone is about to completely sideswipe your car and cause a major accident that will mess up rush hour traffic. Nope, that doesn't require any honking!

Oh well, I guess its better than the people who honk out of nowhere and you jump 30 feet in the air wondering what accident you almost just missed!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Where Did I Come From?

No, I'm not having an existential crisis! I was thinking about families.

I've always known a lot about my family history, I'm second generation Italian, and my grandmother on the other side extensively recorded our family history, but many people aren't as lucky to have their history so available.

My wonderful boyfriend has recently been trying to find out some more information about his family, where they came from, when they came over to America, but we have been running into some difficulty finding more information. I happened to mention this search to some colleagues - and I found out a history teacher I work with founded a genealogical services company, Root Tracers!

He told me some really fun stories he discovered about his own family, I thought it was so exciting! He also (with almost no info, because as I said, we know next to nothing about my boyfriend's family, I had a last name and a county where I thought his grandparents would be from) has found out some very interesting information. I can't divulge more here, well, because, giving out too much personal information on the internet makes me slightly nervous! Hahaha, no offense intended to the many many totally normal people out there, its just, some people are crazy!

The packages provided by Root Tracers are listed below. If you are interested in finding out more information, check out www.roottracers.com.

Initial Consultation

In order to determine how best to proceed with your genealogical research project, we highly recommend an up-front consultation aimed at uncovering what you already know about your family history and deciding on the most logical steps moving forward. This 45-minute session can be conducted in person or by phone.

Bronze Package

  • 4 hours introductory research and analysis
  • Focus on one ancestral line
  • Vital  (birth, death, marriage) and census records
  • Pedigree charts and family group sheets created for your reference - digital or paper copies available

Silver Package

  • 10 hours research and analysis
  • Focus on one (or possibly two) ancestral lines
  • Vital (birth, death, marriage) and census records
  • Court, land, and immigration records (when possible)
  • Pedigree charts and family group sheets created for your reference - digital or paper copies available

Gold Package

  • **FREE** Initial Consultation
  • 20 hours research and analysis
  • Focus on two (or possibly three) ancestral lines
  • Vital (birth, death, marriage) and census records
  • Court, land, and immigration records (when possible)
  • Various overseas ancestral records (when possible)
  • Pedigree charts and family group sheets created for your reference - digital or paper copies available

Platinum Package

  • **FREE** Initial Consultation
  • 40 hours exhaustive research and analysis
  • Focus on three (or possibly all four) ancestral lines
  • Vital (birth, death, marriage) and census records
  • Court, land, and immigration records (when possible)
  • Various overseas ancestral records (when possible)
  • Pedigree charts and family group sheets created for your reference - digital or paper copies available

    **FREE** Leather-bound family history book

*Please note: I did not receive anything for this review. I just think this is an exciting business and wanted to help get the name out!


I am packing up all of my scrapbook materials, because I need to get the back room cleaned out so I have somewhere to keep all of the boxes. So, I've been trying to scrap the pictures I have right now, so I'm not opening them up again in a month and can't remember what I planned to do!

I'm in the middle of a page about my ring (I really love it so much) but I don't have the pictures in yet, so I'll have to wait until Friday to finish that.

But, I was able to scrap the pictures of our trip to Chicago last week.

 This page is a little plain for me, but I wanted to use the "Chicago" embellishment from the Destinations cartridge on Cricut. I also made the embellishment into a folder to hold the extra pictures from the trip!

 An up close picture of the folder. I had a lot of trouble getting the letters cut cleanly. This was the best one I had!
And I thought I would just leave you with some cute pictures for the day.

My dog, Ben, sleeping in the corner. His bed is literally two steps away from him (on the other side of the steps) but he chose the sleep there instead! Silly Bennies.

I saw this little guy crawling along the side walk by my middle school, walking across the street to get to the trees on the other side. He was moving a lot faster than I thought a turtle would, but he got a little scared when he saw I was there (he started to hide in his shell, so I put my cell phone away, then he came out again). He ended up jumping off that curb to cross the street. I felt so bad, because he just walked off the curb, reaching out his arms, until he jumped/fell into the street! You could hear his shell crash on the ground, but he seemed unshaken, he just kept on walking along.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Its just a little rude...

Yesterday, I recieved an email from the district I'd interviewed in. Not just interviewed, but changed all my plans around the first time I was in Chicago, then FLEW BACK less than 24 hours after landing in New York again, spending over a thousand dollars due to the last  minute traveling, so I could do the second round of interviews.

I did not get the job.

And I am okay with that. I don't have the biology background they were looking for, and I had a feeling that would happen.

However, I am not okay will getting a form letter from someone in HR I never spoke to. After asking me to fly around the country on multiple occasions, take time off from my classroom, and spend, literally, thousands of dollars between the two trips. I feel I deserved a phone call, or at the least, an email from the person I'd been dealing with in the district.

Of course, I emailed the person who'd interviewed me to thank them for the opportunity and all that, which apparently, did not warrant a response either.

So, like I said before, its just a little rude.

Monday, May 16, 2011

So Excited! And also a bit horrified at NBC...

I got to show off my ring at work today! It was so exciting!!!

My favorite was a co-worker who said "it's better than an engagement ring - all the commitment, none of the wedding planning stress!" and my other co-workers were calling it my "pre-engagement ring". Which is exactly what is looks like! I love it so much, the more I look at it, the more excited I get!

However, when I got home, I was horrified. NBC cancelled Outsourced! Don't they realize what a wonderful show this is??? How will I know if Todd and Asha get together? What about Gupta, and Manmeet, and Madhuri just started dating that really tall guy!? I hate when you get all invested in a show, then they just rip it out from under you. Years ago, there was a show, I think Raising Dad, but anyway, the girl liked this guy, and there was all this drama, then she was going to prom, and you were going to find out if he was there and BAM! Cancelled! I never knew what happened. Now, I get that nothing happened, because the writers weren't there to write it, but shows are no fun if you think that way!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Two Dozen!

Yesterday was my 24th birthday. Or, as I prefer to say, my two dozenth birthday!

My Nonni came over for dinner, and made me a basil/parsely plant to bring to Chicago. I love the cute tea cup planter (from Wal-Mart!) and I love love love having fresh basil to make sauce with in the summer!

She also got me a ton of stuff for the apartment! Including the wonderful Le Creuset french onion soup bowls to match the rest of my stuff. And, she got me green towels for the kitchen, and a green vegetable keepers, and a green pastry brush! And, she made a soap holder from washcloths that smells so pretty!

My mom and dad and Nonni all pitched in to make my favorites for dinner - bruschetta, chicken from scratch (aka. breaded chicken cutlets), mashed potatoes and corn and peas :) It was delicious! Then...for my favorite part!

Its inside the pizza box!

A flourless chocolate cake from my favorite pizza place (they make the most fabulous desserts!) It was amazing! I can't wait to have more of it after dinner tonight!!!

My family has some very interesting traditions for presents. You aren't allowed to have your presents until we've eaten dinner, cleared the table, and had cake! It was a tradition from my dad's family. He is one of seven kids, so they used it as a form of torture with each other! I love that tradition though, because it keeps your birthday excitement going all day!

My parents got me awesome luggage for Chicago! It is really really nice, and super light, which is great, because I am not that strong! And it means now I finally get to use the luggage tag making pieces that came with my laminating machine to make luggage tags for it!

Then AJ gave me my present. He said if I couldn't open his present as soon as he got to my house, I'd have to wait and his would be last! But when he gave it to me, I totally understood why!

Its a promise ring! AJ and I are moving to Chicago in a few weeks (AHHH! I can't believe its just a few weeks away!) and he gave me this ring to tell me how much it means to him that I am going with him, and that we will spend the rest of our lives together. I didn't want to take it off to go to sleep, but I did. And put it right back on the second I woke up!

Well, we are off to the store now to buy boxes because somebody (me) needs to start packing up all her stuff!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Happy Almost Birthday to Me!

I'm pretty sure my car is going to get keyed.

There is a group of boys down the block, who can't be older than 15, who like to ride skateboards in the middle of the street, regardless of on coming traffic or anything like that.

So today, while going home, the car ahead of me had to stop and wait for one of these boys to get out of the middle of the road (which he was doing very slowly) when his friend came up to the passenger side of my car and started thrusting himself at my car and making all sorts of dirty movements! I couldn't believe it!

So I gave him the finger. Admittedly, not my best move, but these kids seem to be bullies, at least, from what I've seen from them roaming the neighborhood. And I hate bullies!

However, it was not my best move, because my car is a very distinctive color and I pulled into my driveway two blocks away, so they know exactly where it is now!

But today was definitely not all bad! Right after second period, half of my first period girls came running into my room to sing me happy birthday! They are so cute. Then they tried to guess my age. The first guess was 21, which made me happy, then 23, then 25 (I guess these girls just don't like even numbers!) But that was nice!

Then, I decided to go out and treat myself to getting my hair washed and blow dried straight. I hope it stays for tomorrow's dinner with my family and AJ. I can't wait, we are going to have chicken cutlets and mashed potatoes and flourless french chocolate cake for dessert! It is my favorite cake, the girl at the local pizza place, Carmela's, makes it. They serve it warm with vanilla ice cream on top, although I don't know if we are going to be able to serve it warm at home! But it is so much better that way!

I also got my sewing machine yesterday. I really love it! Except it took me a year and a half to thread it, because I didn't know that sewing machines have a light when you turn them on! I couldn't see at all, until my mom told me that. But my favorite thing is the pattern on the sewing machine. It is so fun!

Except the part where I totally suck at sewing! I would post pictures of some of the things I attempted to sew, but I'm really too embarrassed! I'll try again tonight though!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Back in Chicago!

*DISCLAIMER* I wrote all of this while I was in Chicago for the second time, on Monday evening and Tuesday. I didn't post it until today though, because I didn't want to announce to the internet world that I would be traveling alone in a major city until I was back, un alone, in New York! :)

 Monday afternoon, NY Airport

We were approved for the apartment this afternoon! AJ has the lease, and we will be signing it and sending it back this weekend (once we are finally back in the same state).

I'm sitting in the airport again! We got back from Chicago last night, around 4pm, and I'm already back here, less than 24 hours later. I hadn't mentioned this earlier, since I didn't want to jinx anything, but I had a job interview on Friday. It went really well and I was asked back for a second interview! I'm very excited, and I really hope I get the job.

But basically, my week looks like this now:

Thursday - teach all day, fly to Chicago, go out with AJ's co workers to play trivi
Friday - job interview, amazing deep dish pizza date with AJ
Saturday - apartment hunting, tapas and drinks with AJ's co workers (who are awesome by the way!)
Sunday - fly back to New York, Mother's Day celebrations, unpack from the last trip, repack for Monday
Monday - teach all day, fly to Chicago, find my way to the suburbs
Tuesday - interview at 7:45am, fly back to New York, plan lessons on the plane for Wednesday
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday - teach, teach, teach
Saturday - turn 24, sign my first lease

Wow! What a week!

Well, my flight is leaving soon, so I'd better pack up and run to the bathroom. I'm always afraid if I go on the plane, I will get sucked out of the toilet and crash down very very hard to Earth. I know, its crazy, but its a scary thought when you think about it!

Monday evening, Suburb of Chicago hotel

The flight wasn't bad, until all of a sudden, we hit crazy turbulence, and had to keep circling the airport. And someone near me had a beer. I get crazy motion sick, so the smell of that beer was even more horrible. Then, when we finally landed, it took forever to get our luggage! They even made an announcement apologizing to our flight for taking so long with it. And the Hertz guy was very slow, he was flirting with the woman ahead of me forever! I was like, dude, stop moving so slow and such, no one wants to flirt, we just want cars! But I finally got one, and I like it, its a Corolla, like mine, but newer. I like to get the Corolla when I need a rental car, because I'm driving around a city I barely know, so I figure why throw a car I don't know into the mix too!

This hotel is super super nice! I really like it! There is a Ruby Tuesday in the lobby, and they brought dinner right up to my room! I was super grateful for that, because I am exhausted. I cannot believe I am in Chicago for the second time in less than two days. I took some pictures of some of the things in the room:

 This is the channel list. I stay by AJ all the time, and they have literally, like, 20 channels. It is brutal! We don't get Food Network or any of the other channels I like to watch (a big issue when I'd be on break and waiting in the room for AJ to get out of class). They have the basic channels, history and like, 4 ESPNs. Which only helps during Sunday and Monday night Baseball! (Guess what I'm watching now? Yep, Boston/Twins, but keeping an eye on the Mets online)
So my question to the Hampton Inn is...why does one have so many channels while the other has so little?!

 My very grown up dinner (hahaha) came delivered on a tray with real utensils and everything. They even came and set it up on the desk for me! Although, not to be paranoid, but I got nervous that the waiter walked into my room while I stood in the doorway filling out the receipt. Its the New Yorker in me, I'm not used to the super niceness of everyone in the mid West. Not to say we aren't nice in New York (Reader's Digest rated us the nicest city one year, based on how many people say thanks, hold open doors and stopped to help when papers were "dropped" all over the street!) We really are just misunderstood. We will help you, just more of a help-and-run deal, things are busy, you understand!

AJ's favorite quote is Frost's "two roads diverged in a yellow wood, I took the one less traveled by and that has made all the difference". So I took this picture because it reminded me of his favorite quote. I really wish he was here with me, I don't like traveling without him. Especially here to Chicago where we are supposed to be together!

Well, I'm off to bed for now! (Yes, I know its super early Chicago time, but I am sleepy!) Wish me luck on the interview tomorrow!

Tuesday afternoon, Chicago airport

Well, my interview went well, or at least I think it did!

And now I'm sitting here in the airport, I got here at 10:30am, and my flight isn't until 3:40! I got on standby for the 1:15, then I found out that my luggage would still be going on the 3:40! But I still want to get out of here, so I'm going to try it and see if I make it on standby. I doubt I will though, it seems that there are other people ahead of me, and it how crowded this seating area is is any indication, I won't be getting on this flight!

But I can still hope! I wouldn't mind having to drive back to the airport at 7 tonight for my luggage, but I HATE just sitting here. I don't have anything to do, and I cannot get motivated to write lessons for tomorrow. I guess I'll just keep messing around on the internet here.

Tuesday night, finally back in New York!

I ended up taking the 3:40 flight. I'm so exhausted! I did get a ton of online shopping done at the airport, I got AJ's anniversary present, and his graduation present. And I got myself some baking dishes. They had been hiding in my Macy's online shopping bag, and I decided to buy them. They were only $35, and I figured after this insane week, I deserved something nice. It was like a birthday present to me. Besides, I cannot be held responsible for what I purchase when sitting in an airport, alone, with an internet connection, a credit card and five hours to kill.

Then I got home, and got myself another present - a sewing machine to use on my scrapbook layouts. I'm hoping I got a good one, I read so many conflicting reviews about the one I wanted, that I decided to start over and find a new one! So I chose the Brother Limited Edition Project Runway one from Wal-Mart. I think I'm going to like it. It isn't very expensive, compared to what you can spend on a sewing machine (up to thousands of dollars!)
So all in all, a very expensive, but possible productive two days. I just need to find out about that job!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Interesting Things are Happening

A lot of interesting things are happening! I'll be able to post tomorrow about everything, but I didn't want you to think I'd forgotten! Stay tuned for a long post tomorrow evening!

Sunday, May 8, 2011


AJ and I applied for an apartment! I love it, the living room/dining room area and bedroom are HUGE and there a two massive walk in closets! And, the kitchen has a gas stove! I love gas stoves, I hate the idea that you can't easily control the heat on an electric stove - it makes me burn everything. And, the colors in the kitchen will look so pretty with all of my green cookware.

But, I shouldn't get too excited, we haven't been approved yet!

Friday, May 6, 2011


AJ and I have been in Chicago for a whole day now! I love it, and I can't wait to live here :) I'll leave you with a few pictures of our trip.

 Waiting at the airport for our flight to Chicago.


 Lake Michigan - which looks like an ocean!

 I was amused that it said "toilets" and not "restrooms". AJ said "Stop taking pictures! You look like a tourist!" to which I replied "I'm renting a car! They already know I'm a tourist!" He laughed :)

 Our hotel room has two rooms, there is a room with a little desk, that leads to the bathroom (there is a step up to the bathroom, we keep falling out of it!)

 The bedroom is in a separate area, with the tv and such.

 Deep dish pizza at Lou Malnati's! It is delicious, not like New York pizza at all, but still amazing!

 Insanely large sodas!

 AJ loved his pizza!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Cake

I love to bake. Sunday night, I wanted to bake something, cookies are always my favorite to make, and I was craving white chocolate chip macadamia nut, but AJ's wisdom teeth are coming in and he can barely eat. I have a favorite recipe for coffee cake that calls for a boxed vanilla cake that is so super soft and delicious, so I decided that would be perfect!

Now, you need to know that I do not bake cake from scratch. I don't see the point, and I've never been very good at it. But we didn't have boxed vanilla cake mix, and no one wanted to run to the store. I did however, have a recipe. A recipe that made a very large vanilla cake.

But this is no big deal! I can half it!

I'm not sure what part of my brain had this thought. Maybe I was high on the Mets leading the Phillies, and decided if they can do that, I can do this!

The batter was delicious! (Shhhh, don't tell my mom I tried the batter...she thinks I'll get salmonella poisoning).

The cake went in the oven, and I mixed up the crumb topping...with twice the amount of sugar that I was supposed to use. What was I thinking???

So I remixed the crumb topping.

And I put it on the cake.

That's weird, I don't think the edges of the cake are supposed to be bubbling like that...

Then, I took the cake from the oven. It smelled amazing. It looked amazing. The toothpick inserted through the crumb topping into the cake came out clean. It was done!

We let it sit, and I finally cut into the cake

That's odd, why did the whole middle cave in like that???

I wish I took pictures for you. The edges were burnt black, the middle was so undercooked it oozed out like soup. The whole top of the cake caved in like a dilapidated volcano.

Why didn't I just go out and buy the boxed cake???

*I swear, I really am good at baking! When this cake is done right, it is fabulous! And I don't even LIKE cake!

Monday, May 2, 2011


Last night, my boyfriend and I were sitting on the couch watching the Mets-Phillies game, in two totally different states of  mind. I was seething that I hate my team, how could they give up a run, and he was hoping his team (that team, the first place team, who could afford one loss to my last place team) would finally get some hits and pull ahead for the sweep, when the fans started cheering "USA! USA!" And then the ESPN announcers explained, Osama bin Laden is dead.

Suddenly, the outcome of the game didn't matter anymore. I didn't care that the Mets had lost the lead, left so many men on base I couldn't count and were on the verge of being swept by Philadelphia.

I grabbed my phone, and immediately tried to facebook my brother, and it was already posted on his status, and people were liking it, and commenting. The ESPN guys (who never get anything right about baseball) were right! bin Laden was dead!

We debated for about 10 minutes, do we wake my parents, do we let them sleep. My dad, a normally funny, easy going, all around nice guy may possibly be the scariest person in America to wake up. I'd even venture in the world! I finally snuck into their room and whispered "Hey guys, ummmm, I just wanted to let you know Obama is going to address the country - they killed bin Laden."

I've never seen two people leap from their beds so fast. Not even the time my brother and I set the microwave on fire...

We sat and watched as our President explained how Navy Seals dropped into his compound, and shot him, then took his body so we could prove it.

Thank you, to those Navy Seals, and to all of our military troops.

God Bless America

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Why yes, I AM a science teacher...

This has been a very relaxed weekend, with the exception of the Mets-Phillies Series (No, I do not want to talk about that! But, since we are on the subject - can someone do something about Pelfrey?!?) So instead, I've decided to share some of my totally geeky wish-list items for my apartment. Everything is from thinkgeek.com

I am very very lucky to have found a boyfriend who will let me hang this as our shower curtain in Chicago:

He also agrees with me that these things are too funny. I really really want them all!

*Note: I was not asked or endorsed by Think Geek to talk about these items - I just love them a lot! But I wouldn't mind something from Think Geek ;) ;)*
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