Friday, September 26, 2014

Mesothelioma Awareness Day

Hi everyone!

Did you know that every day I on my board in my classroom, I share a national event/holiday/awareness day that occurs on that date? Sometimes they're silly. Sometimes they're boring. And sometimes, I write them up there hoping to bring something to my students' attention.

It was recently brought to my attention that September 26 is Mesothelioma Awareness Day.

To be honest, I never thought too much about mesothelioma beyond hearing it mentioned in those class action lawsuit commercials that always come on during Judge Judy.

It seemed like something that didn't affect women, especially young women. And I thought it we figured out the cause of it (asbestos exposure), people weren't going to really get it anymore.

Displaying Cam_Lil_HVSJ.jpgBut then Cameron Von St. James reached out to me about his family's story.

His wife, Heather, was diagnosed with mesothelioma just after giving birth to their daughter. She was given only a short time to live, only 15 months. And that was actually better than average for this disease. Of the 2,500 and 3,000 new cases of mesothelioma diagnosed each year, most are give only they are given 10 months to live.

But after a life saving surgery - including removing one of her lungs - Heather is now one of the few mesothelioma survivors.

She, and her family, now make it their goal to raise awareness of mesothelioma.

Cameron shared some facts with me about mesothelioma that I never knew before.

Like what mesothelioma actually was. Its an aggressive cancer that attacks the lining of the body cavity called the "mesothelium". And the only know cause is exposure to asbestos.

And that it isn't only in the lungs. While 80% of the time it is, it can also occur in the abdominal lining and heart's lining.

Or that there is a such thing as second hand asbestos exposure from parents or spouses who work with the material. Even though mesothelioma is most commonly diagnosed between the ages of 50 and 70 (it usually sits dormant in the body for 20-50 years after initially being exposed to asbestos). It isn't uncommon for younger generations who may have had second hand exposure. And the incidence in women is on the rise too, largely due to this second hand exposure.

So today I'm using my post to raise awareness to some of these facts. And hopefully one of my students notices today's special day on the board, and asks me about it!

For more information, you can check out Heather's awareness page or

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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Scrapbook Room {Our First Home}

Happy Wednesday!

So, I planned to share this yesterday, but life happened. If you follow me on instagram, you probably already saw this.

AJ and I are moving back to New York! We are so excited to be going back home and being close to family again. And I don't think its been a big secret that we didn't love Louisiana.

But part of leaving is saying goodbye to this house, which does leave me feeling a little sad. We've only lived here for a few months,but it was our first house. So my goal before we leave is to photograph all the rooms so I don't forget them.

I started with my scrapbook room.

I love this room. All of my scrappy things are here, and when I'm mid project, I just shut the door and no one can see the mess. Its such a huge change from when my Expedit bookshelves were our tv stand and my desk was in the corner of the living room (where people put drinks on it during parties...don't even get me started on how much that drove me crazy!)

I'm really hoping we can continue to have a space for my scrap things, because having them (and all the clutter they create!) out of our main living area has been awesome!

Where do you keep your craft things?

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Friday, September 19, 2014

Project Life 2014 {Week 26 + Week 27}

This week was a whirlwind - we had visitors, we were in New Orleans, I had the worst cough ever and lost my voice, I shared a new layout over at Julie's, and throughout it all, I was teaching

It was so amazing to see our friends though, it had been way too long now that we are all spread out all over the country!

I can't wait to get the pictures printed, but I'm trying to work chronologically, so I need to get through June and July and August first!

So that's what I worked on when I got home from work last night :)

Week 26 | June 23 - June 29
Things got a little stressful this week because it was the start of all of this drama. I chose not to journal about it here though. Instead, I focused on our impromptu overnight trip to New Orleans. We had a great time staying in the Garden District - it was the first time we visited there. And we got beignets, my absolute favorite!

And I also finished up my scrap room. Its a bit messy right now, as we had to turn it into a third bedroom while our friends were visiting, but I'm planning to clean it up this weekend and share pictures on Tuesday!

Week 27 | June 30 - July 6
Fourth of July week was pretty quiet around here. I basically only had pictures from 4th of July! So I decided to go all out with my Project Life page and my holiday kit. I am totally loving how it all came together. And I also love the top left pocket - it is see through with just a card in the middle. When it lines up with the pages behind it, you can see part of a baseball game and part of a vineyard.

I've been using see through spaces in the pockets more this year, and I'm really liking them! What are your go to design elements lately?

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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Fall Manifesto {2014}

Happy Fall! I'm so excited that my favorite season is finally here!

Labor Day has always marked the beginning of fall in my book. We spent Labor Day weekend at the beach saying good bye to summer, and last night putting out all of our fall decor.

There is so much stuff that I love about fall...the cooler weather, sweaters, scarves, apple, fall beers, yummy candles.

This year, instead of a fall list of things to do, I decided to make a list of things to make and eat. Because really, I love my fall foods! And there is nothing like a cool fall day followed by an evening of baking delicious goodies!

Its actually still to warm here to make crockpot potato soup or cheddar apple muffins. But hopefully it will cool down soon! But until then...there are definitely a few Blue Moons in the fridge, and with any luck, I'll find my favorite pumpkin tea at Target this week!

What are you favorite fall treats? I am always looking to try something new!

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