Thursday, June 30, 2011

Laundry Room

My only experience with laundry rooms was in college. And even then, I did a majority of my laundry at home, because it was so close, and laundry at home is free!

But, AJ was out of clothes for work, so I said I'd do his laundry for him. In the laundry room.

Now, our laundry room is on the 21st floor. But only one elevator goes there, the others will go to 20 or 22, but they don't go to 21. I got one that goes to 20, 22. So, AJ's laundry bag is so heavy (seriously! who did he think was going to carry this thing upstairs!) that I decided it was best to go to 22 and drag it down to 21.

I finally get to the laundry room, swipe my key fob, and . . . nothing.

My key fob doesn't work.

I, of course, refuse to accept this, and keep trying. Then I try the other door.

Then, a very nice person lets me in. Yay!

So, I walk over to the "buy laundry card" machine. Go to put in my $20 and find out that I need to use a credit card. Which is in the apartment.

Back down to the 10th floor, find the credit card, back up to the 21st floor.

Aaaaand, I can't get in. But another very nice person lets me in.

I get a card, load up two washers. Go to insert my laundry card...oops! That's my credit card. Put the credit card down, put in the laundry card. Gather up my stuff. Leave.

Slam! The door closes behind me.

Where is my credit card?!? Oh noooo! I forgot it! Its in the laundry room. That's okay, there was someone in there, I'll just knock.

*knock knock knock*

Silence. I thought someone was in there...odd. What the heck?!? I'll try my key fob again . . . nothing.

*knock knock knock*

Nothing. Really? Someone was there, where could they have gone, there is only one way out, and I've been standing here...


Nothing. Did they leave using the other door? But either way, to get to the elevator, you have to walk by this door, they couldn't have just disappeared? I know it! They're in there, stealing my credit card number!

So, now I'm standing in the hallway, crying and freaking out because I'm locked out.

In a last ditch effort, I try my key fob again. IT WORKS!

Oh wait, no it didn't, someone was leaving and I've just slammed the door open into them.

WAAAAIT! That means someone was in there! While I was knocking and knocking and knocking!

How rude!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Its already Wednesday!

Sunday morning, AJ and I walked down to Elly's Pancake House and had the most amazing omelettes. Seriously, if you are in Chicago, the omelettes there are soooo good!

Then, we decided to take the train to Target. It went really well on the way there.

On the way home, however...we had four bags full of kitchen drying rack, trash can, all that kind of stuff.

And the Pride Parade had just let out.

And the White Sox game had just let out.

And we were trying to force our way onto a packed subway car with four HUGE bags from Target!

We ended up missing the first train, well, not missing, but not being able to fit on it. But, we got on the second train.

Monday and Tuesday, I spent the whole day unpacking! It went really soon as I get a vacuum, I'll post pictures of everything :)

I wish I had some more fun adventures to post about, but I'm kind of stuck here (totally of my own doing) until I get unpacked. I just need everything to be put away!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Finally Here!

I'm sorry I haven't posted in forever! I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. Things got so crazy with moving, I had no idea how crazy it would be!

But, I'm here and I love it!

I finished unpacking the kitchen, bathroom and living room, but I still need to do the bedroom (ahhh! Putting away all those clothes!!)

AJ picked me up at the airport and drove me home. We got crazy lost less than a mile from our apartment, but we got to drive through Lincoln Park, which was beautiful!

And when we finally walked in, AJ had set this up on our table for me:

My favorite wine and my favorite color roses!

The view from our apartment is so nice, I feel like I'm on vacation every time I look out the window!

Saturday night, we went up to the roof with AJ's coworkers to watch the fireworks over Navy Pier. They were beautiful. The pier looks so gorgeous from our roof too!

Sunday, we went on an adventure around Chicago, but that's a story for tomorrow :)

Friday, June 24, 2011


Our last official day of school was today. I am going to miss the middle school! The students, faculty and staff there were wonderful to work with, and I hope I can find a similar school in Chicago.

It was a great last faculty meeting, the principal called up all the teachers who are leaving and presented them with a book, especially for them. Mine is "Chicago's 25 Best: What to See, Where to Go, What to Do". I am so excited! I was just thinking last night that I know about the Sears Willis Tower, the Cubs, the White Sox, the lake, Navy Pier, but what else do I need to see in Chicago! And now this is perfect!

I want to try to visit all these places and make a Chicago scrapbook out of it. I think it would be a fun way to remember the city and all the places we saw!

But, now I'm on to packing and all those last minute things before I leave. And I'm going to see my best friend tonight (who I do not see enough as it is, and we are both still on Long Island!) to say goodbye before I leave!

I still don't think it has hit me that I am moving to Chicago tomorrow! I am really excited about it, but I'm also a little nervous... But it will be fun, a new adventure, or as my dad would say, "its your journey".

Thursday, June 23, 2011


I changed my flight to Saturday.

AJ has to start working on Monday, and I was nervous about going out Sunday afternoon, then boom! He leaves and goes to work and I'm just in Chicago.

So, I'm going to go out Saturday. That way, he can help me find the stores, and banks, and all that stuff. And we can look at the apartment, because I'm going to start unpacking all my stuff, so I need to know where everything is, like, where all the boxes are!

I'm really excited, but I'm also a little nervous. I never lived away from my family before, except for like, my first year of college when I lived 30 minutes away and came home all the time. So being a thousand miles away is a little scary!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Its Only Wednesday!!!

This seems like it has been the longest week ever! How is it only Wednesday?

I need to finish packing tomorrow. All that I need to pack are the rest of my clothes (in the laundry as I type) and a few things that didn't go into the boxes for whatever reason. So it shouldn't be too much.

And, tomorrow is our last full day of school. Yay! Everyone else is cleaning out their classrooms, but I don't have one. I finished clearing out my middle school desk and all that stuff today, and plan on clearing out the high school stuff tomorrow. Its pretty much done, but I have a few items that need to go back into the classroom that are sitting on my desk.

Then, its just the assembly tomorrow morning at the middle school, a quick faculty meeting (I'm not sure which building I'm supposed to go to) and picking up my last paycheck standing between me and summer!

I cannot wait!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hey, Its Okay Tuesday!

I love this idea from Amber over at Airing My Dirty Laundry, One Sock at a Time. I'm not sure if I'm going to do it every Tuesday, but this Tuesday totally calls for one!

To be a little sad that school is over. I'm going to miss my students, they really were a fantastic group of kids - even the ones who made me want to run screaming from the building!

To be super excited that school is over. This will be my first summer in eight years without a summer job! Two whole months of going to the beach, sleeping in, scrapbooking, and running around Chicago with my camera!

To wish I'd said "&*#% you!" to the parent who screamed insulting things at me on the phone today, instead of crying.

To be jealous of the city of Chicago, because they already get to see AJ every day!

To believe that if you are in the left lane, you should stay in the left lane when you see someone trying to merge onto the highway. Getting into the right lane and speeding up so that person cannot merge smoothly is just rude! I'm talking to you, Mr. I-drive-a-Mercedes-that-kind-of-looks-like-George-Jetson's-spaceship! Not cool sir.

To have thrown the diet out of the window so I can splurge on all of my favorite New York foods that I won't be able to get in Chicago...Carvel Carvelanches, Carmela's pizza and baked ziti, bagels!

To be excited about cooking dinner for AJ. And super nervous that I'm going to accidentally serve raw chicken, I'll probably be like my mom and end up cooking it until it is dry!

Monday, June 20, 2011

All Done!!!

I finished all of my grading today!


All the finals, all the regents, all the left-over and handed-in-late work! I even made all my parent phone calls to those students who didn't do so fabulously!

Now I just need to go to work for the next four days. I'm planning on bringing my laptop so I can take the worksheets and notebook files and everything from my usb and merge them with the files on my computer.

That should take about two hours...

Then I need to count the textbooks and have some papers signed. That should take the rest of tomorrow...

So now I just need to worry about Wednesday and Thursday, at least Friday is a half day!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Sunday {6 19 2011}

Happy Father's Day!!!!

This is my first Scavenger Hunt Sunday post!

This week's prompts were:
1. Emotion
This is my brother, literally, seconds after he graduated from college!

2. From a Flower's Point of View
I wonder if the little flowers get dizzy from looking up at the big flowers all the time!

3. Natural Frame
I love what is NOT here in the frame...the couch, the boxes, basically everything that had gone into theU-Haul for Chicago. *disclaimer* my mom took this while I was giving finals. I had one I took, but I kept coming back to this one!

4. Letters

This made me very very happy, because there was real deep dish pizza from Chicago inside!

5. Bliss
I'm pretty sure for him, a cigar, a scotch and a beautiful view of the water is bliss. If only he had his sunglasses!

This week's prompts:
1. windows/doors
2. eyelashes
3. paint
4. leaf veins
5. faceless portrait

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Almost all of our furniture is white. The bookshelves for the scrapbook stuff are white, the table is white, the chairs are white. Except, the bins in the bookshelves are red, and AJ's aunt gave us a red chair. So, I'm thinking we should paint the walls a pale yellow, and slipcover the couch in a deep blue.

My mom has some beautiful yellow flowers in the backyard, and she suggested I take some pictures of them to hang in the apartment as art. I took three that I looooved, and I photoshopped them into one large jpeg and am going to have them printed up on a large canvas to hang in our living room.

I love how it came out! I can't wait to get it so I can hang it up!

I also have a beautiful frame that AJ gave me that holds a ton of pictures and says "Family is where our story begins." We are going to fill it with pictures of our families, and pictures of ourselves. He said we can change out the pictures as we grow together. I'm really excited about it!

I think we should either hang the frame over the couch and the canvas over the kitchen table, or the other way around. Or, we can hang the frame over our bed, and the canvas over the couch, and nothing over the kitchen table. But, I guess we can figure it out when I get there!

Friday, June 17, 2011

My stuff is in Chicago

AJ got to Chicago a few hours ago!!!

So, I can finally post this picture, I was waiting, because I didn't think it was a good idea to show this to the world before my stuff was safely inside! That is everything I own! And it all fit so nicely in the truck - after I worried and worried and worried!

And now, all of my stuff is in Chicago, and I'm here...

I wish I didn't have to work this week, I'd love to be in Chicago with AJ, setting up our apartment, finding a grocery store, moving the furniture every two days until I like how it is.

AJ texted me with some very good news right after he got there - our apartment has the granite counter tops (not the white) and faux hardwood floors in the kitchen and hallway! I can't believe it! I was so hoping we did not have the white counter tops, because so much of our furniture is white, I couldn't bear the idea of all white everywhere!

Now I'm just waiting for AJ to text me pictures of the apartment. I'm sure he's just unloading everything, but I'm very very impatient!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Tomorrow AJ and his friends are coming with the truck to pick everything up. I have one box left to pack, but I am afraid I am forgetting to pack something! I have tons of clothes that need to go, but I have three suitcases I am bringing with me when I leave.

So, I am off to pack more. I hope everything fits in the truck...

Wow, so that was intense, the last minute packing...the coffee table is still piled with stuff, but my mom said that she would pack all of that for me tomorrow. She was able to take tomorrow and Thursday off of work to do last minute stuff. I, unfortunately, cannot. Tomorrow my students are taking the Regents exam, and I have to be there. And Thursday, we are spending all day grading it, so I have to be there. It couldn't have come at a worse time! I wish I could be there to help the guys load the truck. And take lots of pictures of it leaving, with all my stuff!

I keep saying "I'm moving to Chicago on June 26, but my stuff is leaving tomorrow." Its a scary thought. I really hope I've packed everything. I am so worried I have too many clothes to bring in my suitcases on the plane.

Although, worse comes to worse, I can bring an empty suitcase home from Chicago when I come back in July, and fill it up with the things I forgot. And when my family comes to visit, they can always bring me stuff.

I'm just getting worried. I've just never moved on my own before!

Monday, June 13, 2011

I Wish This Were Real...

But I know it probably isn't. Either way, its pretty funny!

9 days until summer!

What happened to this week?!?

It seems like I just posted, and then boom! They week just flew by!

AJ graduated on Friday morning. And by morning, I mean morning. We had to wake up at 4:45am to get to Philly in time for the 8:30am graduation. Who plans a graduation in the middle of rush hour in a major city??

But, aside from that, the graduation was great. AJ's aunt flew in from Florida to be there, and it was great to see her, since we are leaving for Chicago so soon!

I took a few pictures before we went in, and spent most of the graduation trying to take nice pictures, but the lighting in there wasn't great, and my point and shoot, that I adore, was just not powerful enough to do what I wanted. I've been thinking about getting a DSLR lately, and after this experience, I definitely think I want one for events like this one.

I would love to go out and buy one right now, but with rent, and insurance, and cell phone bills, and all that fabulous stuff I've never paid before due this month, I think I'll have to wait. Well, I know I'll have to wait. And AJ reminded me that he will need to buy me birthday/Christmas/anniversary presents, and maybe I shouldn't always run out and buy myself things the second I want them! But I'm an impatient girl, and I've always worked very hard for my money, so I like to spend it on things I'll enjoy! Although, with no job lined up in Chicago, this is a no go for right now.

However, to justify my need for this camera, I've decided to explore more with my point and shoot. I found a scavenger hunt:

To be honest, I cannot even remember what I was clicking through that brought me to it! But if I find it again, I will definitely share.

But this idea intrigued me. I want to make sure that I am interested enough in photography to get a serious camera (it isn't the first time I've wanted one, and I did take photo in college for my art credits, but with this amount of money being spent, you need to be sure!). So, I'm going to participate in the scavenger hunt, with my point and shoot, and decided after I've participated for at least one month!

Also, I think that since my favorite hobby is scrapbooking, photography kind of goes hand in hand with that. I am constantly taking pictures to develop new layouts (oh how I wish I hadn't packed those boxes last month! I am just itching to get my papers out and start crafting. They will definitely be unpacked first on June 27!). I can just imagine how wonderful these two hobbies can intertwine with each other.

But, I will leave you with my favorite picture of the day:

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I Knew My Shirt Was Big, But...

The Background

Today was so hot and humid. So I wore wide leg pants, a flowing tank top, and sandals. Our schools aren't air conditioned.

We were also doing screening interviews for my someone to take over my current middle school/high school position.

I didn't want to tell the candidates what we taught when we introduced ourselves, because it would be obvious that they were interviewing for my job, and I didn't want anyone to feel weird about that. Except in one interview, my coworker started the introductions and said what she taught, so then everyone did. 

The Story

At the end of the interview, the following conversation took place:

Candidate: Is this a permanent position or just one year?
My boss: Its permanent.
Candidate, looking at me: Oh, because, isn't it...
Me: Yes, I'm moving to Chicago.
Candidate: Oh, okay, I thought it was just one year for your maternity leave.

I knew my shirt was big, but maternity leave big?!? 

Monday, June 6, 2011

Theme Park Physics Project

After we finished forces, Newton's laws and energy, the students did a theme park project.

Part I of the project was to write a report about a theme park ride. They had to describe the physics of the ride, including the forces acting on, how Newton's laws govern how the ride works and how energy is transformed on the ride.

Then, they got to do the fun part! The kids made models of their rides. My first period class did a "Hollywood" theme, and my second period did a zoo theme.

The projects came out so great! I was so impressed, so I thought I'd share some pictures here:

 The Hollywood theme park. Some of my girls made cupcakes to share with our class, and the other two classes who were presenting first period. Isn't that sweet? And they were delicious!

 Safari Log Flume

 Ferris "Wheel of Roars"

 Not only does the Carousel look beautiful, it actually rotated and played music! Way to go guys!

Free Fall

I am very proud of all of my kids for working so hard and making such wonderful projects! They really rocked!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Three Weeks!

I am moving to Chicago in exactly three weeks!

Or, to be even more exact, 495 hours, 49 minutes!

I was feeling really nervous about it this weekend, and a lot this morning. Except for my freshman year of college, I've never lived away from home (and freshman year, I only lived 30 minutes away!)

I started worrying about taking care of the apartment by myself. Making sure all the laundry was done. And that it was clean. And dinner. I'm not worried about cooking, I cook here all the time. I was worried about deciding what to cook. My mom always decides that stuff. Now, I'll have to decide, and figure out what to get at the grocery store so I'll have enough food to cook dinner and such for the whole week. I've always grocery shopped, but from a list! Or at least, an idea of what we were doing!

But then, a funny thing happened:

AJ jumped up from his couch while we were watching The Birdcage (I loooove that movie!), and he was freaking out yelling!

Then I saw it - a huge wasp was in the apartment. Apparently, it is the summer of stinging flying insects.

We knew we had to open the screen door, so it could go outside. Because there was no way either one of us was getting close enough to kill it, and I didn't have any hairspray. And this thing was HUGE! The stinger looked like it had a bug hanging off it, but nope, it was just a massive stinger!

AJ kept trying to venture out of the hallway where we were taking cover to open the door, but he never quite got there. In his defense, he was once the victim of a traumatic wasp attack, and hates hates hates them now.

So I ran out into the room, and opened the screen door. When another wasp tried to get in! So I went back and shut the screen door.

Then, I trapped the wasp in between the screen door and the glass door.

Not a great plan. I basically pissed off the wasp. And we had no way to open the door to the outside to get it away from us.

So, I slipped the glass door open a tiny crack, and pushed the screen door open, jumping around the whole time, afraid I was about the get stung. But out the wasp went!

We went outside to investigate, and we saw him building a nest on the balcony!

So, we went out to Wal-Mart, bought the craziest wasp spray we could find, and sprayed the heck out of that wasp and the nest. We got the whole thing! Well, except one that tried to dive bomb AJ while he was spraying! He flew away, and I think was on the neighbor's balcony when we left.

AJ was not really amused by the whole incident. But it made me feel so much better. We handled the whole thing, no one had to call home and ask what to do. We didn't panic. We just went out, got the spray, and got rid of the nest. It made me realize that its scary to have to run our own house, especially for me, since I've never lived away from home before, but we could do it. Easily.

And now I'm not nervous anymore. So thank you scary wasp!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Ahhhh! Its the first day of June!

That statement can be followed up in a few very different ways:

"I am moving to Chicago THIS MONTH!!! How exciting?!"

I just want to get there and start unpacking and organizing everything now!

"My students have officially lost their minds!"

And it probably didn't help that today students were decorating their shirts for the Math-Science Olympics tomorrow!

Here are a few highlights:

Me (to an aimlessly wondering student): Where are you going? Wait! Where are your shoes?
Student 1: I took them off.
Me: Why?
Student 1: Ummmmm
Me: Go put them back on!

20 minutes later, he had them off again!

Student 1: What is she doing?
Student 2: She's conducting an imaginary orchestra.
Student 3: *conducts even more wildly*


Where have their minds gone??? I just need them to hold on for a few more days! Just get through finals, heck, just get through the science final, and then they can go as crazy as they want!

"We can finally stop asking 'Is it June yet?'!"

4 high school/9 middle school teaching days left!!!
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