
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Sunday {11 26 2011}

I'm posting this on Saturday, and I always feel bad when I finish the scavenger hunt! I like being on the look out for all the different prompts, and I won't have any more until tomorrow (which is today for everyone out reading this!)

Fortunately, Ashley is doing a series called Memories, Dreams and Reflections, and I'm searching for those photographs in my files, so it gives me something fun and photography related to do today!
I had two pictures for waiting, and I couldn't decide which I liked better, so here they both are!

 My plane waiting to take off at Midway.

All of the people waiting to board that plane!

I love the evergreen trees, which still have all of their needles, and the birch trees, which have none of their leaves!

My brother attempting to climb a tree in front of my parent's other house. He tried a few times, but never got higher than this!

Fork, Knife or Spoon
Every year just after Thanksgiving (or right before if we are hosting Thanksgiving!) we take out all of the Christmas Spode. I love the little Christmas trees on everything, even the flatware!

Rule of Thirds
It was so overcast when we were flying you could just see the sky between the layers of clouds!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and enjoyed the nice extra long weekend!


  1. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Love the serenity of your "rule of thirds" photo. Just lovely.


  2. I really like that first Waiting shot... all those water droplets on the glass. So pretty! :)

  3. Wonderful shots! I love both of your waiting shots. The perspective for the second one really caught my eye. And I think your take on foliage was great. And I have to mention that I thought the candid shot was quite amusing after I read your description.

  4. Great set! The second waiting shot is my favorite...your feet in the shot really makes the shot!

  5. Wonderful finds this week...your candid shot has such spirit.

  6. What a great set - really love your first shot...I should have done that while I was waiting to fly on Wednesday. I also love the serenity of your last shot.

  7. Your first and last shots are my faves . . . love the raindrops in the waiting. Candid makes me smile.

  8. Awesome pictures Katie! Love the one of you brother! Hope you had a great weekend with your family :)

  9. Loved your pictures. Waiting seems to catch us all. Loved your candid. Thanks

  10. Stunning photos, I love your take on these prompts.

  11. I love the water droplets on the window for your waiting photo.

  12. Great set. I really like your thirds shot!


I love reading your thoughts, opinions and ideas. Thank you so much for taking the time to share them :)