
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

December 12

I didn't get much done last night. AJ got stuck at work because of a burner problem, so instead of starting dinner, I decided to just have a quick snack, then I'd cook when he got home. But my "quick snack" turned into Reese's peanut butter trees, follow by chips and I made myself sick.

So I didn't get any pictures at all! I didn't even make dinner, AJ had a sandwich and I had tea! But I am feeling a lot better today, and I won't be eating any chips after work!

Instead of writing about my day for my December Daily, I decided to focus on an ornament my Nonni gave us this year.

AJ has a work party tonight, so I am planning on getting some cards and layouts done tonight! What are you plans for this evening? Do you plan on getting some crafty time in, or wrapping presents (I wish I could, I love to wrap, but all of mine are at my parents' house in New York!) or maybe having some hot chocolate and watching tv?


  1. I'm glad you're feeling better! Your night tonight sounds perfect! I think hot chocolate and tv sounds nice, but who knows what we'll end up doing! :)

  2. oh i love the reeces trees!! they are soooo good!

    love this page! love gingerbread!

    i am crossing my fingers to finish a layout and start a card. i also am hoping for a bit of sunshine to take pictures of my work from earlier. it has been so cloudy!

    have a great night!

  3. Getting sick wouldn't stop me from eating chocolate and chips, lol.
    Glad you are feeling better :)

  4. Oh I so hate doing that! Chocolate and salt will get you every time!! That ornament is so adorable!


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