I spend the weekend at my parents' weekend house on the east end of Long Island. I love it out there, everything is so relaxing, and there are vineyards and farms (and great farm stands with yummy produce!) everywhere! I really hope when AJ and I are finally done with his rotations and are able to buy a house we find an atmosphere like this one!
I waited all week to take my Scavenger Hunt pictures because I really wanted to take them out there. I am hoping to go back out east later this week to walk around and visit the vineyards a bit, so there might be more east end pictures next week too!

The people who owned the home before us had horses, so they have a few hoses, in kind of random places, because they needed to give the horses showers! This one is wrapped up on the side of the barn.
Time Together
Saturday night we lit a fire and ate ice cream (which was long gone when I took this picture!) Everyone thought I was just taking pictures of the fire :)
Tell Me a Story
A page from the mini album I will be sharing tomorrow!
Love or Couple
I took this picture of our dog, Ben, in the house out east. Then I followed the tutorial Mama Monkey wrote for Tutorial Tuesday to make this pop art!
Do you ever find that you sit down to do something that should take just a few minutes, and all of the sudden, its 4 hours later and you are still in your pjs?! That's what happened to me just now, I blame the pop art!
Still, I can't believe its already 1pm. I should probably shower and get ready to go see the florist for the wedding!
I'll be back tomorrow with a mini album though!
what wonderful photos!!
Your time together is so great! Love the duplicated, too!!
Great series my favorite is time together.
Katie - you captured some great ones. I love your wrapped shot and the funky pop are ;D
That's me almost every day!! haha!! Love the doggy pop art. So cute! Your parents will probably want to frame it. Love all of you captures this week, especially time together! Great one of everybody around the fire.
Great set - I'm really liking your pop art work!
I can see how you lost track of time, this looks so cool.
And yes I have done that as well ;) Not the pop art, the loosing myself on the computer ;)
I had to giggle at you taking pictures while your parents were working! lol, I am sure they loved your attention to detail! Great shot of everyone around the fire, love the glow! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)
How dumb am I (I really don't need an answer to this question,teehee)
But I started ready your post half way down, I thought the top photos were a different post.
I blame it on cake overload ;)
As for work at the cottage, oh ya there is a lot of work, but so rewarding :)
Love your campfire photo.
What awesome pictures this week! Hope, well I know, that you're having a great time out there :)
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