
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Lab Safety Rap

In honor of today being lab safety day at school, I thought I would share a super embarrassing video...

The song in this video belongs to Rhythm, Rhyme, Results and can be found at I don't own any of the rights to this song, but I highly recommend checking out their site if you are a teacher!
The video belongs to me. You are more than welcome to use it in your classroom, its on youtube. If you'd like a copy of the lesson plan surrounding this video, please email me :)


  1. That is AWESOME! What a fun way to teach lab safety! Very creative!! I'm sure the students love it!

  2. LOL that is too funny!
    So cute :)

  3. oh my golly this is just way too funny!!! love it!!

  4. I remember ths year you guys did this. Always loved all of you in this video!

  5. LOL, your students will LOVE this, and I can hear the laughter all the way over in NC! But...ahem...keep your day job! lol waving hi and giggling from the hills of North Carolina :)

  6. Oh my goodness that is so funny. Can't wait to show it to my boys tomorrow. I'll bet your students LOVED it. :)

  7. THAT was awesome Katie. Loved it :)

  8. Yeah, I was finally able to watch your video :)
    What a fun way to teach your students about safety. That tune is quite catchy as well :)


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