
Friday, January 25, 2013

Project Life 25 {Week 32}

Its finally snowing here in Chicago! It isn't snowing much, but it is snow!

This was the least snowy year Chicago has had in 129 years, and every day that went by meant that we were setting a new snow-less record!

But it is finally snowing, and I'm enjoying that!

I'm also enjoying that I am getting to the end of my Christmas Project Life pages. Not to be a grinch, but I'm looking forward to Valentine's Day (and all the pretty hearts that go along with it!). Plus, looking at Christmas stuff makes me a little sad that Christmas is over and I have to wait a whole 11 months for it to come back!

This week we started out in Chicago, then flew to the east coast. So, my left page protector is all about our Chicago Christmas stuff, and the right one is all New York!

Top Row: Our salt dough ornaments, drying
Middle Row: Getting ready to start painting
Bottom Row: AJ concentrating very hard on his painting ~ Our ornaments, waiting for the paint to try
AJ suggested that we create our own ornaments for our tree. We used a really simple salt dough and some of my Christmas cookie cutters to create our shapes. Then, we broke out the paint and glitter to decorate our ornaments. They were so much fun to make, and I love how they look on our Christmas tree! I think AJ had fun too, even though he "hates arts"!

Top Row: One of the Christmas cards we sent out this year ~ Benny by the Christmas tree ~ One of my favorite decorations
Middle Row: The house, finally decorated with lights ~ Mail from England ~ Santa Cupcakes
Bottom Row: Napkin ring making supplies ~ The table, all set and ready for Christmas Eve ~ The dessert table, waiting for the desserts
We spent lots of time getting ready for 12.24 We made napkin rings, set the tables and ran errands. But, we still made time for a family dinner at Mama T's and driving around to look at lights.

Well, I'm off to go look at the pretty snow! And enjoy some quiet before schools starts. My students are working on a group research project, which is great, but also a little bit loud! But a good loud, the kind of loud where they are sharing ideas and learning from each other,which is a very good loud!

What are you up to this weekend?


  1. Your week looks great!!! I know what you mean afoot the snow. This is the second year in a row we've had minimal snow. I'm glad you're getting some of the white stuff now :)

  2. That is a very good loud! Yay for snow finally!!! We are supposed to get about an inch tonight. We still have a little left from the other night too.
    Love your PL pages and your Christmas memories! Your Christmas Eve looked so pretty and special. The Santa cupcakes are adorable! I love how you guys made your own ornaments this year too!

  3. looks like another great week in pl!

    we are getting some light snow here today! for me the only reason i want snow is to get a snow day and since it started snowing at 7 am it can now stop!! lol

  4. Glad that you guys are finally getting some snow. Crazy Chicago weather.....when we were there in March it was the hottest SPD....ever. Ridiculous! Love your pages! Have a great weekend!

  5. Great pages, as always.
    I know what you mean, as much as I love Christmas, I was so glad to have my December Daily's done.
    Enjoy your snow...


I love reading your thoughts, opinions and ideas. Thank you so much for taking the time to share them :)