
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

WOYWW {02.20.2013}

Happy Wednesday everyone! Today is the day that we all share our desk's over at Julia's.

Right now, moving planning has taken over my desk. My calendar is open to April - when we will be in Baton Rouge! I can't believe it.

I'm hoping I can scrap more, but I think its going to be packed up soon :(


  1. oh wow i didn't realize you wouldn't finish off the school year at your school and that you were moving so soon!! hope things are going well

  2. I love your calendar!!! It's going to be here before you know it!! Exciting!

  3. I'm with Heather, love your calendar!! At least you get one more St Patrick's Day in Chicago :)

  4. I love your calendar and can't believe your move is coming up sooooo quickly!

  5. You are so cute I get a sugar high every time I visit your blog. Good thing I'm not diabetic! I see you have made a calender of you and AJ, I love it! Thank you so much for visiting my blog today, waving hi from the hills of North Carolina ♥

  6. Not long now! !!!!!
    I don't envy the task of moving. Couldn't imagine trying to pack up my house, it's been 11 years here and our 'stuff' has grown to fill the house when it felt empty when we moved in.
    Happy WOYWW

  7. Awww such a sweet calender :)
    Love your desk as always.
    Focus on your move...we will be here when you are ready :)

  8. Cute calendar!
    April will be here before you know it.
    What a huge move!


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