
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Shedd Aquarium {Scrapbook Layout}

Okay, first of all...would you believe I am writing this post from a plane high above Texas?

Yep. I am! How cool is that?!

Its actually Monday afternoon and I am on my way to New Mexico for a teacher training, and my plane is equipped with in flight wifi. You know I had to take advantage of that!

This layout is from my crazy trip all over Chicago before we left.

I just love the Shedd Aquarium, it is one of my favorite places in Chicago! In fact, I love the Shedd so much I made two layouts about this trip (in addition to this one and this one about another trip to the Shedd!)

Do you ever make lots of layouts about the same place? What place is that?

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  1. love how you included the map! awesome

  2. Isn't technology AMAZING???? I love that you included the map in this layout. I have always made lots of layouts of the same thing. So many in fact, that's why I started doing Project Life as my main form of Scrapbooking, to get myself to take more pictures, of more than just the "main" events and holidays.

  3. I love the paper that you used for your layouts. Zachary would love to see this aquarium - he is all about the! Hope you are having a good trip!

  4. have a fun, safe trip!
    We have been to Shedd's a few times and Evan just loves it! :)
    I have definitely made a few layouts about the Botanical Gardens and the Zoo here!

  5. Oh that's how you got there! :) Hope it's going well!! Love this layout and those papers!! I love to go to aquariums!! They never get old!

  6. How cool to be blogging from an airplane!!!
    Great layout :)
    I do different layouts about the same place as our vacations are usually only weekend getaways and to the same places.


I love reading your thoughts, opinions and ideas. Thank you so much for taking the time to share them :)