
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Top 5 Pins {Wedding}

It seems like just yesterday we were getting engaged and our wedding was 589 days away!

But that wasn't yesterday, that was a long time ago! And now the wedding is just 100 days away! (Now would be a good time to cue a slight panic attack about what still needs to be done!)

Of course, I couldn't let this day go by without showing you my Top 5 Pins for the wedding. Some of these will make an appearance, some may not make the cut. But either way, I love them all!

This shirt I love it. If we were having pictures of the boys getting ready, I think AJ would have to have it. But we aren't doing I'm not sure if its a must have item, but its definitely a must share :)
School bus Yes, a school bus. As of now, the plan is to have a school bus transport guests from the hotel to the reception site. I love it! I mean, what's more fall than a teacher on a school bus?! Plus, the colors match our wedding theme and we won't have to worry about the smaller shuttle bus having to make multiple trips - we can all fit on the school bus! Okay, I promise, this is the last teacher related wedding item on here :)
I Spy Is this not the cutest idea? I would love to add this to our tables, although I'm not sure how yet...
Glitter Mimosa Glasses Oh yes please! How cute with these be while getting ready Saturday morning. They don't have to hold mimosas, but really, you know I'll need at least one so my Type A need to know and control everything personality can relax just a smidge!

Mason Jar Candles You already know these will be there! I love our mason jar centerpieces and cannot wait to see them adorning the tables at our wedding!

                                              Source                                                                                              Source

Which of these is your favorite?

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  1. Oh, I think they are all fabulous ideas, and he so does need that shirt anyway! :)
    Don't panic! Everything will be great :) Really on that day, nothing will matter to you but getting down the aisle. And once the ceremony is over you can just relax and let go :)

  2. All great idea, but me being the picture fanatic that I am, I am all about the school bus picture and I love the mason jars as well. That t-shirt would have also been great in an engagement picture, but either way - really cute!

  3. why no shots of the men getting ready? I love the transporting in the school bus. My niece did this, and it was very fun! The bus' ran all evening so we could hitch a ride back to the hotel so there was no problem with drinking and driving!

  4. Oh Man, TheseAreAll Fantastic! I'm With May Jo, AJ Needs That Shirt, Pictures Or Not!

  5. These are all great ideas :)
    Pinterest always makes thing look unbelievable.
    I think my favourite is the school bus photos, so so fun :)

  6. So many cute ideas!! I love the mason jars with the candles, I can just picture how beautiful they will look on your tables! I think my favorite is the I Spy because I haven't seen that before. The school bus transport is so perfect for your wedding!!


I love reading your thoughts, opinions and ideas. Thank you so much for taking the time to share them :)