
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Project Life 2013 {08.12 - 08.18 + 08.19 - 08.25}

Happy Halloween!

I am so excited. Today I am a witch. Not intentionally, I wore a skirt with an orange shirt with a witch hat. And my students decided I was a witch.

Of course, I don't have a witch hat, so I am going to run out at lunch and get one :)

I am really hoping we get some trick or treaters at our apartment today! I have lots of candy and I don't want it hanging around my house, because then I will eat it!

But, I have a meeting at work today after school (seriously, I can't believe they are having an after school meeting on HALLOWEEN! Lots of the teachers have kids!)

Okay, enough of that rant.

Last night, while we were watching the World Series, I worked on more Project Life! Do you ever just get into a groove with a project and fly through the pages?

These are just two of the layouts I completed last night!

August 12-18
Left Side: When we got our IDs at work, they gave me two! One with my maiden name, and one with my married name! I thought that was so cool :) ~ Our bookshelf full of pictures and candles ~ Lesson plan binders...way too many lesson plan binders!
Right Side: At the doctor after getting hurt by a malfunctioning car trunk at work! ~ AJ reading through the book of suggested readings for our wedding ceremony ~ The weather in Baton Rouge changes way too quickly, one second it is super sunny and then its raining so hard I can't see out of my windshield!

August 19-25
Left Side: A little sampling of my work schedule. It is crazy! The different colors are different grade levels/classes and the numbers are different groupings of kids! I still don't have it memorized, its taped up on my desk so I can refer to it before every class! ~ And my work desk, looking clean, which is rare!
Right Side: Cutting out leaves for the wedding ~ Almost beating AJ in bowling! I had four spares in a row and almost beat him (disclaimer: he was playing very badly for him) But then he got three strikes in a row to beat me! Ugh!

Well, that's it for me today! I'm really hoping to work on Week in the Life tonight, since I'm out of pictures for Project Life!

What are you up to tonight? Will you be going trick or treating, or staying in and handing out candy?

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  1. oh i would sooo hate a meeting after school on halloween-- boooooooo!!!

    great pl pages

  2. Fun pages and I love when they come together quickly because you're in a groove! I do get bursts like that sometimes! I've been trying to devote an hour a day to my scrapbook lately....trying to get it DONE for 2011!
    I will be handing out candy IF we get any trick or treaters, It's usually not many if any! :(
    I want to see you in your witch's hat!!

  3. I love those times when I get on a roll....unfortunately lately those times have been few and far between. I am definitely hoping that I am "all in" for my retreat next weekend. I am so looking forward to it and to sharing what I create. As always, your pages are great even when you don't have a ton of pics!

  4. As always I love to see your PL pages :)
    I am staying in and handing out far over 50 kids.
    Only Wayne and I home tonight, so I ordered chinese food for supper ;)
    That is silly that they had a meeting on Halloween

  5. I love that you were flying through layouts!! That is crazy weather! Is it feeling anymore like fall yet, down there? That's awesome you're out of PL pics! I airways love your week in the life! We ended up with 160, yes that's 1-6-0, trick or treaters last night and I still ran out!


I love reading your thoughts, opinions and ideas. Thank you so much for taking the time to share them :)