
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

December Daily 2013 {Day 5 + Day 6 + Day 7 + Day 8}

Happy Tuesday!

Have you gotten snow where you are? We didn't. I guess that shouldn't be a surprise since we are in the south. But its still weird to me! I kept imagining snow outside, but it was always rain.

But rain doesn't stop December Daily!

I'm not sure if absolutely positive I've mentioned complained about it before, but Thursday is my least favorite work day! Its the only day where I teach all five of my different classes, and changing from 7th grade to 6th grade to 5th grade to 10th grade chemistry to lunch duty with grades 6-12 to 11th grade physics to 6th grade again is a bit hectic!

But on this particular Thursday, a really sweet coworker of mine started my day off wonderfully by leaving this "Charlie Brown" Christmas tree + 2 handmade Louisiana Christmas ornaments on my desk!

Friday got a little messed up. We planned to drive downtown {about 20 minutes away} to see the Christmas tree lighting. Unfortunately, we got caught in terrible traffic. After an hour, we were still only halfway there. Since we were going to miss the lighting, and really really needed to stop at a bathroom, we decided to turn around and go see the tree all lit up on a different night!

Saturday was very very Christmas-y. We spent all day Christmas shopping (no pictures though - wouldn't want to ruin any surprises!) When we got home, we just relaxed and watched Christmas movies. And AJ hung out with his buddy Luke the Christmas bear!

Sunday Baton Rouge got a lot of rain, while the rest of the country got a lot of snow! I texted my brother to see if it was snowing at school, and couldn't resist from being a bit punny. His response was so great that I had to include the text!

So, I'm actually writing this Monday night, while AJ is out to dinner with a job candidate. Which means that I'm watching Real Housewives and scrapping by the tree! I'm going to run to get as much scrapping done as I can before bedtime!

Hope you've had a crafty day :)

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  1. Watching Real Housewives and wrapping by the tree sounds so nice!! We are getting snow--well we did on Sunday and had a 2 hr delay. Today the schools are closed due to impending snow. Of course I can't go back to sleep now. Oh well! I should go get something done around here.

  2. We have not been blessed with snow, but a whole load of ice. It arrived late Thursday night and kept us home form work and school on Friday. School was still closed for Zach yesterday, but they are finally back today. It was nicknamed Icemaggedon and Ice Apocolypse 2013. So silly that TX can't handle weather!

  3. Love your pages :)
    Great photo of AJ and his bear ;)
    So sweet of your co-worker to set up that tree :)

  4. Your December Daily is looking fantastic! I love Luke ;) and the Charlie Brown tree!!


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