
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Ceremony {Wedding Recaps}

AJ and I decided to have a very traditional Catholic ceremony. We were both raised Catholic and it was important to us to have our wedding in the church.

And it was important to me to get married in the specific church I grew up in. I think that church is just so pretty, and the aisle is so so long, I couldn't wait!

And before I knew it, it was time for us to walk down that long aisle on the extra long aisle runner (which I almost didn't get the week of the wedding, got totally upset about, and that day totally didn't notice, and couldn't tell you anything about!)

Our parents and grandparents walked down the aisle to Ave Maria. Followed by our bridesmaids, who walked to Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring. Then it was time for my dad and I to walk down the aisle. Years ago, after hearing Trans Siberian Orchestra's Christmas Canon, I decided to walk down the aisle to Canon in D. And true to that decision, I did!

Photo Credit: Ruby Star Photography
But to be honest, I never heard any of the music on our wedding day. After watching the video, I heard it, and realized that our cantor had a beautiful voice, but that day, I didn't notice any of it! All I could think when walking down the aisle was where is AJ? You see, I'm super short, and I couldn't see him over our standing guests. About halfway down the aisle, I asked my dad "AJ is up there, right?" He was - you can see him peeking out in the one picture :)

And then it was time for the ceremony to begin. 

One of the things I loved about our ceremony was that we were able to have so many of our family members and friends involved. We asked four of our aunts to do readings on our wedding day.

Photo Credit: Ruby Star Photography
They all did a beautiful job, and I'm so glad we were able to honor them in this special way!

So, even though I really wanted a full mass, I still couldn't control myself. You see, I am really bad in church. I talk. A lot. I don't know why. I feel the need to comment on song selection, or if a reading reminds me of something in my life, or whatever. And this was so not different on my wedding day. I don't have any idea what I was talking about! But I love that they captured that...since it happens all the time!

Photo Credit: Ruby Star Photography
And of course, there were our vows. When I was actually encouraged to talk!

Photo Credit: Ruby Star Photography
One of my favorite moments from the wedding day was when AJ was going to put the ring on my finger. My ring has a definite top and bottom, and in that middle picture, he is asking me which way to put it on. I love how intense he looks, trying to ask without saying it out loud!

I'll spare you all of the rest of details, because it was a super long ceremony, but here are a few of my favorite moments from the rest of the ceremony:

Photo Credit: Ruby Star Photography
walking up the altar with AJ ~ the greeting ~ Our Father ~ sign of the peace ~ bringing flowers to Mary ~ one of my favorite pictures of my mom from that day

Then it was time to kiss the bride. Our priest mixed it up a bit, telling AJ, "You may now kiss your wife." Which I liked even better! The Wedding March began to play, and we walked out of the church, stopping for one extra kiss!

Photo Credit: Ruby Star Photography
And that was the ceremony! We were officially married!

There was only one thing left to do... get pelted lightly showered with rice!

Photo Credit: Ruby Star Photography
So, this may have been my favorite part of the whole day! This is when it hit me that we had actually just gotten married! Running out of the church, with the wedding march playing and rice flying everywhere really made me feel like a just married bride!

When did it hit you that you were actually married? Did you have to actually get hit with something before it sunk in?

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  1. I don't know if it has hit me yet. :)

    Your ceremony looks so beautiful and that is a gorgeous church. The light is so great too! It sounds like it was such a special day all around!

  2. Katie - this is just beautiful! Thanks for sharing because it kind of feels like I was there now :)
    And the way you recapped it is so sweet!

    I know I already told you the aisle runner story from my wedding. And how I got light headed during the vows (lol)
    But we had the big long Catholic ceremony, too.
    And lots of friends and family to help.
    I just wish we would have invested in a video!!

  3. Such beautiful photos and wonderful memories.
    I think a few years ago it hit me I was married when I finally went and put my SIN in my married name.
    It was my last identification I never got to change to my married name…kind of funny as I have been married for 26 yrs, lol.

  4. What a great post :) The church is beautiful!! I don't think I've ever noticed before what gorgeous weather you had that day!! Love that picture of you with the rice, so cute!

    I finally realized I was married about two weeks after, when I was making a phone call and had to use my married name the first time. I paused and started to use my maiden name and thought, no that's not right, I'm married now!

  5. The gorgeous pictures just keep coming!!!! I was a chatty Kathy during our ceremony as was also full Your day seems like it was just perfect...and so glad that it was just the way you wanted!

  6. Ave Maria is such a beautiful song. I really hope my daughter walks down the aisle to that song one day. Thanks for sharing your special day with us.


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