Friday, May 30, 2014

Every Day Summer Photo Ideas {Project Life}

The past few years, I've created a list of things that I wanted to do in the summer.

But sometimes, being at home every day without much change, I can't think of different things to photograph. I feel like my Project Life pages can get a little boring with the same things over and over. Although I also think that's kind of the point of documenting our everyday lives - seeing the same things over and over because we live them over and over.

But still, I like some variety, so I came up with a list of things that would be perfect to document for summer, especially for Project Life.

What are your essentials to document over the summer?

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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Honey Stick Favors {Wedding Recaps}

One of the most difficult things for the wedding were the favors.

We knew right off the bat that AJ and I both really wanted to give edible favors. But we had so much trouble picking what exactly that would be.

We went through everything from caramel apples to black and white cookies to jars of honey. But there were problems with each:

Caramel Apples: They come in bulk. As in, not in individual bags. So we'd have to be putting sticky apples into plastic bags the night before the wedding. Drama I did not need.

Black and White Cookies: My favorite cookies of all time. But AJ's not such a fan. And they totally didn't go with our wedding colors. Besides, I'd probably eat all of the cookies before the wedding. Then I wouldn't fit into my dress and we'd have to buy more favors!

Jars of Honey: There were two problems with this favor. One was that the company didn't want to ship until September, and like the caramel apples, I didn't want to assemble favors the week before the wedding. And we had a lot of people traveling, and I was concerned that they wouldn't be able to bring them back in their suitcases with the TSA liquid restrictions. But we still loved the idea of honey!

So we finally settled on a favor, and I couldn't have been happier with it!

Honey straws. Basically, little one serving straws full of honey. Easy to transport, in our wedding colors and we could assemble them way before the wedding day!

 We decided to go with four different flavors of honey {CLOVER CINNAMON WILDFLOWER CARAMEL} and bundle them in groups of five.

This came together so super easy. It took four people less than an hour to bundle these all together!

We printed up two sets of labels: one with our names and wedding date, the other with the type of honey and punched them out.

Then, we just wrapped the bundles with raffia, slipped the labels on and voila! Favors!

Photo Credit: Ruby Star Photography
In the end, we were so happy with our edible honey straw favors! What types of favors are your favorite?

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Friday, May 23, 2014

Project Life 2014 {Week 18}

Happy Friday!

Are you looking forward to the three day weekend? I am! We have lots of fun plans - a crawfish boil, a concert, some crafting and, of course, relaxing!

I'll be working on this wreath and of course Project Life! I'm all the way done through Week I just need to order the rest of the pictures so I can get moving on the next weeks!

Week 18 | April 28 -May 4, 2014
This was the first week back at school after Spring Break. We had Super Hero day at school - and I wore my neon pink tights (I didn't retouch that picture at all - they are THAT pink!) And the Mets played the Phillies, so we were able to wear our awesome 10.5 Phillies/Mets shirts (thanks T&J!) We also did some fun things around the house - like tapas date night, made a chalkboard burlap runner, sealed all the windows (okay, that wasn't so fun!) and relaxed with some Corona (that was fun!) 

And I made a whole bunch of waffles to freeze for breakfasts later in the month (one is heating up as I type!) I love making waffles and bread and granola bars for us. It just makes me feel like I am doing something really really good for our little family. You see, I used to be the pickiest eater. And I'm so excited whenever I try something new (like homemade waffles vs. Eggo!) 

But, I'm still a little bit picky. Like, I don't eat ground meat or seafood. I just don't like the texture. Usually, its not an issue, but I'm a little nervous about it this weekend. Remember how I said we were going to a crawfish boil. Well, I don't eat seafood.

So, usually I just quietly eat other things - like the potatoes and corn and desserts! - but sometimes people notice and some people make a huge deal that I don't eat seafood. And it kind of drives me crazy. And I never know what to say, because I don't want to be rude, so I just sit there and don't say anything at all. Or I apologize that my tastes aren't to their liking. But there has to be a better response!

Which leads me to a question for all of you...what do you do when someone comments on your eating habits?

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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Cake + Pie Bar + Almost Taking Out My Cousin with the Bouquet {Wedding Recaps}

The night was quickly coming to an end (sadly!) But we still had a few things left to do before dancing the night away.

And one of those things was cutting the cake.

We were really excited about the cake, because it was a chocolate cake with a white chocolate mousse filling and was supposed to taste like Devil Dogs from Drake's Cakes. Of course, the only bite of cake we had was the one we fed each other. There's always the frozen top layer we will have in a few months, I guess!

Photo Credit: Ruby Star Photography
Photo Credit: Ruby Star Photography
We had a really hard time cutting the cake. They asked AJ (the lefty) to put his right hand on the knife and me (the righty) to use my left. The theory was that AJ would actually cut the cake and I would just have my hand there looking cute. Except neither one of us could cut with the opposite hand, so it ended up being the tiniest, wonkiest piece of cake ever cut! Which is why we can't stop laughing in that top picture!
Photo Credit: Ruby Star Photography
But just in case someone didn't like cake, we also had a pie bar. We had such a hard time choosing our second dessert option - torn between apple crisp (because it was fall) and cheesecake (because its my favorite). But then our venue coordinator suggested a pie bar. And we loved it! From what I hear, the pie tasted very good, although we didn't really get any of that either! Man, I really failed at the "make sure you eat at your wedding" advice!

Photo Credit: Ruby Star Photography
Where I really needed advice was on how to throw a bouquet at the group of girls and not at the table next to them! At the last second, I was told I had to throw over my shoulder, and not above my head (because of the beams up there!)

Yeah...I could have definitely used some practice with that!

Did you have any throwing mishaps at your wedding? And did you get to actually eat your cake? I'm still sad that I didn't!

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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Bachelor Party {Mini Album}

Happy Tuesday!

I am so glad that I finally found some time to scrapbook this week and I was able to finish up this mini album that I started way back in February!

Last summer, I made two mini albums with the Bella Blvd. Engaged at Last line - one for my shower and one for my bachelorette party. So I wanted to make a matching one for AJ's bachelor party. But AJ's bachelor party was a lot closer to the wedding than mine, so it took a long time for this album to get put together.

I left a blank journaling square to fill in where they ate, what they did, etc. But I have to get the information from AJ, and I keep forgetting to ask him! That's what happens when I scrap when he isn't home.

Do you ever create matching albums or mini albums for events? I can't think of too many things were I'd be able to do this, but I loved doing it for our bachelor/bachelorette parties!

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Friday, May 16, 2014

Project Life 2014 {Week 16 + Week 17}

Happy Friday!

I am so glad that this week is over. I am so done with the craziness that it brought!

Last night was not crazy, and I was so happy. While AJ was at his last night of bowling league, I made lots of Project Life layouts.

Week 16 | April 14 - April 20, 2014
Just a few weeks before Easter, my parents surprised us and told us they wanted to fly down for Easter. And so my dad could see the house - he hadn't visited yet!

The whole left side are pictures from the beginning of their visit. They flew in on Good Friday, and we visited Mississippi on Saturday. It was so fun to have them in town with us.

On the right side, I added a picture of AJ and I at a going away party for a friend, a picture of our Easter Egg hunt at school + a holidy mini kit card about Easter + a snapshot of the readings for Easter Sunday at church.

I also added these fun stars in to some of the pockets that weren't entirely filled. I love how fun they are, and how they add color to the see through elements!

Week 17 | April 21 - April 27, 2014 
My parents stayed until Wednesday. We mostly hung around the house, went shopping and went out to eat. I don't have too many pictures, but I did manage to get a few of their first crawfish experience! My dad liked them, but my mom didn't like having to crack open the shells - so AJ did it for her. I just enjoyed from behind the camera, they are so not my thing!

The next weekend, we went to the Zurich Golf Classic in New Orleans. You are allowed to take pictures on the course, but I did take a picture of our dinner date afterwards (man, do I love that spinach dip!)

Even now, when I don't take "a lot" of pictures in a week, I still end up with more than enough for my Project Life. I think the camera is my favorite part about upgrading to the iphone from my blackberry last summer! Its always with me, and its so easy to grab a quick picture of whatever we are doing.

What is your go-to camera?

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Thursday, May 15, 2014

snap.scrap.share {May 2014}

Happy Thursday!

This has been a crazy week around here. We expected it to be crazy with Confirmation rehearsal on Sunday, Confirmation on Monday, my birthday on Wednesday and a few other appointments scattered in between.

But we didn't expect a fainting spell at church + emergency room visit. Fortunately, everything is okay. And no, I'm not pregnant ;) I never knew until Monday that fainting unexpectedly must mean that! But we got lots and lots and lots of questions, and some undeserved congratulations!

Unfortunately, being out late Sunday + Monday + Wednesday meant sleep deprivation and everything this week was put on the back burner - actually cooking dinner, crafting, blogging, almost my birthday dinner (but fortunately not!).

But I am back with a post at Julie's about creating your own watermarks.

And I will be back tomorrow with a Project Life layout to share. Hopefully next week will calm down and I will be back on track :)

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Friday, May 9, 2014

Project Life 2014 {Week 14 + Week 15}

Happy Friday everyone!

Just this week, AJ was telling me that he couldn't remember what our apartment in Chicago looked like. I was so happy to have a Project Life album from when we were living there. There were so many pictures of the apartment - dinners, parties, hanging out watching tv, the view from the big window {oh man do I miss that view!}, even the entrance way + the outside of the building.

It just reminded me how much I love documenting our lives right now, because one day right now is the past, and it can be hard to remember all the little details.

Week 14 | March 31 - April 6
I flew to California for a wedding this week. It was my first time there, and the first time I'd seen some of our friends from Chicago since we left. It was so great to catch up and to celebrate our friends' marriage. The last wedding I included in Project Life was pretty detailed. But I only included an overview here, since I will probably be making a traditional layout about this one.

Unfortunately, AJ couldn't join me on this trip. There are two weeks every year that he is not allowed to take off from work called turnaround. He has to work every day, not even a weekend off, so taking off four days to fly to California was just not an option. He was very disappointed to miss this special occasion. And I missed having him there, but I was very proud of myself for flying across the country and navigating the LA freeway all by myself!

Week 15 | April 7 - April 13
The next week was a big contrast from all the celebrating + catching up + beach going of the weekend before. It was just back to normal around here, going to work, hanging out outside and doing chores around the house. We bought a lawn mower + cut the grass, put together our new grill + cooked dinner on it, and watered the lawn (most areas with a sprinkler, but one by hand).

I also left some empty space in this layout. Under the picture of the tree right page, bottom left pocket I am going to add these cute star sprinkles I have, but I want to wait until I create the other side's pocket so I can seal it up. I am going to leave the space next to the 4x6 vertical card empty so you can see through to next least, that is the plan right now!

Seriously, I cannot get over this picture of him watering the grass by hand. In his socks. With gardening gloves hanging off the side of his belt. And aviator sunglasses + a baseball cap. He looks slightly bad-ass, and slightly like an old man who yells "Hey kids! Get off my lawn!"

But he won't have to water the lawn this weekend. Its been raining here all morning! Hopefully the weather gets nicer this weekend though, I was looking forward to spending some time outside. What are you up to this weekend?

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Thursday, May 8, 2014

Day in the Life {2014}

Happy Thursday!

I'm really excited about today - I will be playing along with Ali Edward's Day in the Life! This is one of my favorite projects all year long, and always ends up with me looking forward to Week in the Life (starting September 8 this year).

But for now, its just about today. I'll be sharing on Instagram all day {you can see those pictures here}

I'm thinking this year I will add my photos as an insert in Project Life...or maybe a separate traditional layout...obviously I haven't thought it out yet!

Are you playing along today? Let me know in the comments where you will be sharing your pictures - I'd love to check them out :)

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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Surprises and Secret Dances {Wedding Recaps}

Last week, I told you all about the dancing. 

But, I'd saved a few special dances for their very own post. And here it is!

I had picked out the song for our father-daughter dance many many years ago. When I was little, my dad would always sing "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" to me. Even though it isn't a traditional father-daughter song, its always been our song and I really wanted to use it for our dance.

The original plan was to surprise my dad with the song, but he had picked out a different song ("I Loved Her First") so I decided to tell him my plan and let him decide. Fortunately, he was totally on board with my song. 

Photo Credit: Ruby Star Photography
Turns out, he'd thought of it, but was worried it was non traditional and harder to dance to. But we practiced dancing to it over the summer, and it was perfect that day!

There was another surprise at the wedding though. AJ's mom passed away while he was in college, and at first, he was not planning to have a dance. But, a few months before the wedding, he told me that he would like to dance with my mom, and wanted to keep it a surprise from her.

Photo Credit: Ruby Star Photography
He chose "When You Need Me", one of my mom's favorite Bruce Springsteen songs. And she was totally surprised! I'm really glad we were able to keep this one a secret!

There was one more secret at the wedding. Man - I didn't realize how many secrets and surprises were involved in this wedding until I started writing this post!

My brother is definitely more reserved that I am. As in, really funny and sarcastic and probably the funniest person I know I say probably so my husband and father don't get upset, but he definitely is, but he doesn't like to be forced to be the center of attention.

Normally, that is just fine, since I love to be the center of attention. It worked out really well growing up, most of the time. But this time, I really wanted to dance to "You've Got a Friend in Me" from Toy Story with my brother. And he didn't want everyone to stop what they were doing and look at us out on the dance floor all by ourselves. So we planned a secret dance.

Photo Credit: Ruby Star Photography
Basically, the DJ warned up right before he played the song, but he didn't tell anyone else what was going on. Of course, it didn't stop everyone who knows us both from gathering around us in a circle!

And it didn't stop me from singing along with every word of the song (much to the surprise/shock/dismay of my brother...)

But it was so great to be able to share that special moment with him, especially since we haven't lived in the same state since he went off to years ago!

Our last dance, which was a surprise to us when planning our wedding was our "second dance". When our DJ asked what song we wanted for our second dance, I was so confused! I'd never heard of a second dance before.

But basically, after the parent dances, AJ and I were called out to dance to another song that is special to us, "Who Are You When I'm Not Looking". And unlike the first dance, after the first part of the song, we asked all of our guests to join us.

Photo Credit: Ruby Star Photography
Did you have, or have you seen, a second dance before? What surprises did you have in your wedding?

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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Projects in Progress

Happy Tuesday!

I am so glad that Monday is over. Yesterday was not such a great day - I am just so ready for a new one.

Lately, I've started a lot of projects, but just haven't finished them. Usually, once I start a project, I keep working until it is done, but I've been in a different kind of mood lately.

I thought I'd share some of my projects in progress...maybe it will inspire me to finish some of them!

1. Pantry Chalkboard
The inside of our pantry is getting a chalkboard makeover. I actually painted the board, but I used the wrong roller, so it came out bumpy (and hard to write on!) So its going to get sanded down + a fresh coat of paint.

2. AJ's Bachelor Party Mini
I started working on this mini of AJ's bachelor party to go along with the minis from my bachelorette and shower. But I left it on the dining room table to go to bed, and the next day AJ cleaned up and put it away in my scrap room. So once it was away, I forgot to finish it!

3. Project Life
This project is constantly on-going. I started this layout on National Scrapbook Day, and shared this on instagram, but stopped here. I needed some more pictures, and AJ needed help sealing the windows outside, so I went to help him. Then it was time to cook for our date night dinner, so this project is sitting as is, waiting for Thursday night (when I usually work on PL).

4. The Scrap Room
The biggest project of all. Its getting there. But there are still a few boxes to be unpacked, and I need to figure out exactly where I want everything. And we need to put up the blinds. There's a lot of work to be done still!

What are you working on lately? Do you like to have a few projects going at once, or do you prefer to work one at a time?

PS. If you haven't entered the Burlap Fabric giveaway - there is still time! They have so many fun things to buy on their site, from burlap to home decor items, and your chances of winning the $30 coupon are very very high!

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Friday, May 2, 2014

Project Life 2014 {Week 12 + Week 13}

Happy Friday!

I'm so looking forward to this weekend! Its supposed to be beautiful weather, and we don't have anything to do. Except maybe drive to New Orleans to see Bruce Springsteen at the Jazz Festival. I lost count of how many times I've seen it but it would be around my 16th time if we went.

I'm just not sure if I'm up for all that the Jazz Festival is {hot, outside, packed} because my allergies have been wreaking havoc on my heading + sinuses this week...but I do love seeing Springsteen, so we will have to see!

Week 12 | March 10 - March 16

This week started off with St. Patrick's Day. I went all out this year with my clothes (green shirt + shamrock headband + these adorable socks from my mom), our food and our drinks. Its so fun to make "little" holidays feel special too. To really make it stand out in my Project Life, I used the Holiday Mini Kit for the lucky card + the little green triangle + labels (cut from another journaling card in the kit).

We also flew to Baltimore for our friends' wedding. It was a very full weekend - we spent Friday with friends we haven't seen since our own wedding, Saturday celebrating and Sunday visiting with my parents and aunt who came down to Maryland for lunch since we were on the east coast.

I found the dirtiest snow pile in history while we were in Baltimore. I so missed snow this year. And I couldn't help but jump in and a take a selfie. And then I had to send my extremely muddy pants to the laundry at the hotel!

We had a bit of a mess up the morning of the wedding. AJ + Jim got ready at the hotel, and Katey (Jim's girlfiend) + I were going to drop them at the groom's house for pictures. Well, we get there, and there is no one at the house! The boys were wandering the block in their tuxes (and us girls were in our pjs!), looking for the house, and frantically calling the groom and the best man! Fortunately, the best man finally answer the phone and told us we had the wrong house number and were up the street.

Week 13 | March 17 - March 23
This was a pretty regular week at home. Rainy days + brownies + crafting. I accidentally put the Mets opening day pictures on this week. They accidentally belong to the next one. I'm not sure if I'm going to change it, or just add a date stamp and move on.

I so love this wreath {tutorial here} and I love that my mom and Nonni made the same wreaths this same weekend in New York. I love when we do the same crafts, even when we are far apart :)

By the way...have you entered the giveaway for $30 off any purchase at All you have to do is follow Burlap Fabric on Facebook and you have a chance to win!

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Thursday, May 1, 2014

Chalkboard Banner Burlap Table Runner {Tutorial} Plus a {Giveaway}

Happy Weekend Eve and Happy May!

I love May: the school year is winding down, my birthday is this month and its fun to start sprucing up the house now that spring is here. And you know, since the wedding, when I do some sprucing up, burlap is almost always involved!

As if they knew I was looking for something to decorate my new house, the lovely people at reached out and asked if I'd be interested in creating a tutorial with some of their products + hosting a giveaway for my readers!

You bet I jumped all over that!

The hardest thing was deciding what I wanted to create a tutorial with. We just got our new table delivered, so I knew I wanted something to decorate our table. It was just a question of what?

There were so many table linens to chose from! I was pretty torn between place mats and a table runner. And then I got distracted by this tree skirt and almost went all Christmas on everyone!

Fortunately, AJ was home and I let him decide. And that's how I ended up with a burlap table runner :)

14x90 table runner
Cardstock or heavy paper (I had these index card dividers on hand)
Chalkboard paint - spray paint or paint on would work
Glue (I planned on using tacky glue, but ended up using a glue gun because it dries faster!)
Embroidery floss
Large needle


Step 1 | Decide how many banner shapes you want or can fit on your runner. This one fit 9.

Step 2 | Create your banner shapes. I started with a 4x6 rectangle (after I cut off that little index tab). Then, I cut a 2" triangle out of the bottom to make my pennant shape.

Step 3 | Paint the banners with the chalkboard paint. I used a little trick here and adhered them to the box with repositionable tape so they stayed still while I painted. It worked really well inside...but it was not strong enough to hold them down with the very windy conditions outside. And that's why I was painting in the guest bathroom.
I gave each banner three coat of paint so they were extra chalkboardy. Then I let them sit for 3 days, as per the directions.

Step 4 | Using the side of your chalk, cover each banner totally in chalk to prime the surface. Then wipe it clean.

Step 5 | Glue them down to your burlap runner. I ended up going with a glue gun, instead of tacky glue here. Either way, make sure you put something under the runner. It was a lot easier to separate the glue from this paper than it would have been from the floor!

Step 6 | This step is entirely optional. I used embroidery floss to stitch a banner ribbon at the top of each pennant. I just liked how it looked, but it is definitely not necessary!

Step 7 | Write a message and enjoy!

Step 8 | Enter the giveaway below for a chance to win a coupon code good for $30 off any purchase at There are so many wonderful things to purchase - from lace ribbon and rolls of fabric to home decor items and bags. What would you buy with the $30?

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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