
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Mardi Gras 2014 {Scrapbook Layout}

Happy Tuesday!

How was your weekend? Ours was pretty fun on Friday and Saturday - we took an overnight trip to New Orleans! Then on Sunday it was a little scary - we found black widow spiders got into our garage near the door! I don't like spiders normally, so poisonous spiders are definitely not my thing.

But that's enough talking about spiders, because I'm getting the creeps!

Let's talk about not scary scrapbook layouts instead :)

This layout is about our first Mardi Gras parade in Louisiana. We decided to go to the Spanish Town parade in Baton Rouge - it was so much fun! We went with two of AJ's coworkers and met up with mine and her family.

I couldn't see a thing, so I stood on top of a column {that picture is in this layout} I think that was my favorite part of the parade - actually being able to see what was going on. I think its the first parade I've ever been too that I could see about the heads of everyone else! I guess that's the life of being short.

One of my favorite things about this layout is the letters. They are actually white and I just used a sharpie to color them in to fit my page - I love doing this, I am definitely going to be sad when I run out of those white letter stickers!

What supply are you going to miss when you run out?

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  1. love the 2 pager
    the paper is a great color combo

  2. Great fun page!
    I dont' have to worry about running out of supplies as I seem to never use them lol.
    I do have a sheet of real pretty sticker letters that I love love love, but they are coming to an end and they are so old, I doubt they are made anymore.
    I don't like the sounds of that spider..I would take a wolf any day over that, teehee

  3. Awesome stickers!! That is such a great idea to color the stickers!!


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