Yesterday, I ended up using my phone a little more than my DSLR.
Like most mornings, Wednesday started out with a cup of decaf tea. I just use our Keurig without any K-Cups to get the hot water. Its easy to do, and the regular tea bags are much less expensive than the K-Cup teas. Plus, I feel like there is less waste with the regular tea bags.
Shower time. I am definitely not brave enough to bring my camera into the shower like Ali Edwards did on Tuesday, but I liked the idea of capturing that part of my day. So I stood outside the door and snapped this picture of our bathroom.
I also love having pictures like this of where we live. We move so often, and I love having pictures of little details like this from our apartments/houses.
I've been trying to make the bed every day. Its definitely not my favorite chore. But I love going to sleep at night in a bed that has been made up, so I'm trying to make this more of a priority.
This Wednesday was a bit out of the ordinary because AJ was home early. He had an emergency dental appointment after breaking a tooth on a peanut M&M in a cookie bar! They ended up not doing much yesterday, since this break actually set in motion a larger set of work than needs to be done. And it was a clean break that already had a root canal, so he isn't in severe pain. Instead, they set up a plan for the larger set of work, and made an appointment for him to have it all done next Wednesday afternoon.
It was nice to have AJ home for lunch. We had grilled cheese. And both of us wished we had goldfish, but we didn't have any in the house!
I actually put on makeup today, which called for a selfie.
Just because AJ was home early didn't mean he stopped working. After lunch, he jumped on the computer to work from home a bit.
Normally on Wednesday afternoons, I go to prenatal yoga. But instead, because AJ was home and the weather was gorgeous, we decided to go for a walk.
I was so excited to see mums for sale. It is a huge sign that fall is on its way! Plus, they remind me of our October wedding.
We stopped for Bagel Bites, which I'd been craving. Not that I really needed them exactly, but I rarely indulge my not so healthy pregnancy cravings {fortunately, most of my cravings have been for roasted red peppers and tomatoes, and I've been able to ignore the ones for Starburst, Tootsie Rolls and Pull n Peel Twizzlers}, so I decided to just go for it.
The rest of the evening was spent laying around on the couch watching tv. I wasn't feeling 100% for most of the afternoon, and our walk really knocked me out, so I didn't take any pictures of the rest of our night. I'm hoping I feel better today, but I am definitely going to take it easy, just in case! I'm hoping my big order of Shutterfly pictures arrives today so I can spent my afternoon scrapping! Fingers crossed :)
Wow so many comments! I love your K-Cup jar! The bath sign is cute and I went over to Ali's blog to check that out. Cool!! So nice to have AJ home for lunch (not nice about his tooth but it doesn't sound too bad right now!). Those grilled cheeses look amazing! A walk sounds like a nice alternative to prenatal yoga. I saw mums for sale yesterday and got a little excited myself! I hope you're feeling better and that your Shutterfly order arrived! Oh and making your bed everyday is a really good habit, for productivity and happiness. I see a high chair and the nursery has some cute stuff already! Can't wait to see!
ReplyDeleteI see a highchair...!!! I bet you are getting so excited! Our girls use the Keurig for hot water to make their cocoa, so easy! Your neighborhood looks awesome, I bet you love to walk there! I'm loving the slow little reminders about fall that I'm seeing! Almost bought some mums earlier this week, but I decided to wait. Maybe today? Haha!
ReplyDeleteHi Katie!!! Your baby is growing so fast! You look beautiful!