Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

I thought I scheduled this post to go up this morning...apparently, I didn't not!

Yesterday, I posted this close up picture of AJ's costume...
Were you able to guess what he was?

Fred Flintstone! And I was Wilma!

It was such a fun night! Our friends invited us over for a little Halloween party, with very yummy Halloween treats!

The girls had really great costumes...
A goddess, a hippie girl, Wilma and Olive Oil.

We asked the boys to take a similar picture with all of the girls at the party (but I didn't know them, so I didn't want to post their pictures on line!). They kept telling us that we were blinking, or not looking, or that the flash didn't go off! We stood there and kept retaking the picture for what felt like an hour, and it turns out - they were just messing with us!

Then, we tried to take the same picture of all the guys, and mine actually was messed up. But they thought I was messing with them back, so they wouldn't re do it! But I did get this nice shot Popeye, a hippie and Fred :)

Well, that's it for me today! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and has a

See you all tomorrow...hopefully with a new crafty project!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Sunday {10 30 2011}

Ah! I'm linking up so late today!

So, without further adieu, here is my take on this week's Scavenger Hunt!

1. Macro/Close Up

A super close up shot of AJ's Halloween costume. Can you guess what he was? I'll be posting those pictures tomorrow!

2. Found Texture

Okay, I will admit that this may be a bit of a stretch, but I just had to find a way to fit this picture in this week! I do like the texture of the water that is shooting up from the fountain, its all agitated and not smooth like water usually is, plus I think the change in texture from the calm water to the shooting water is totally enhanced by the awesome orange color.

And it reminds me of macaroni and cheese!

3. Home

Halloween cards from home :)

4. Cover

Vegetable pot pie, all covered up by yummy puff pastry!

5. Tree

I love this random little orchard of trees in the middle of the city. There were squirrels playing, and those two birds sitting there hanging out

Have a wonderful Sunday!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Halloween Treat Basket

I had about 15 minutes Wednesday to sit down and create something. It wasn't even enough time for my glue gun to heat up so I could keep working on my wreath. And, I couldn't work on my desk because the wreath is very delicate and taking up all the space!

I also bought Halloween candy while I was at Target Wednesday. So I figured I'd make a quick basket to hide the candy from my immediate view display in the kitchen. Its very simple, but I like how it turned out!

First, I took two pieces of 12 x 12 card stock and scored it at 6 inches vertically and horizontally. Then, I cut out one of the 6 x 6 squares from each piece of card stock and layered them together.

I lifted up the sides and taped them together on the inside.

I cut 2 x 6 black strips, and scored them down the center.

I used them to seal up the sides.

After I done all of that, I remembered I had a cute "Boo" punch, which I wanted to punch all around the top, but my punch didn't work like that (if only I had thought of that before I put it all together! Oh well!).

So, the candy looks a little crazy now, but I don't want to open the bags, because once the bag is open, the candy is fair game, and I don't want to start eating candy yet!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Yellow Roses

I finally got my desk set up after I had taken it down for our guests to have some room this weekend. Yay! I missed my desk! And it was perfectly in time for WOYWW.

AJ gives me yellow flowers a lot.

The night we met, I was up for a job, which I then got the next day. And he sent me yellow flowers at my student teaching to celebrate my new job!

The night he asked me to be his girlfriend, he gave me yellow roses.

The night I moved to Chicago, he had yellow roses and my favorite red wine set up for me on the table when I walked into the apartment.

While I was in New York, I made a tissue paper rose picture frame for my mom. It was fun and really easy to make, so I wanted to make this wreath for our door.

So I decided on yellow roses.

I'm really liking how its turning out...although it is taking a very long time!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I don't have anything crafty to post today :(

My craft desk table has been stored away since last Wednesday because, with AJ's friends here, I wanted to have enough room for them to spread out their suitcases and such. I haven't been able to set it back up yet!

But, I do have a question!

After I sent my mom a picture of tonight's dinner (vegetable pot pie) my mom told me I am in charge of all of Thanksgiving sides, desserts, everything except the turkey! I just have to email a recipe list home and my mom will buy all of the groceries.

I have no idea what to make! I know I make a lot of yummy things for AJ and I, but none of them seem special enough for Thanksgiving!

So, my post for today is, does anyone have any ideas for Thanksgiving recipes?

Monday, October 24, 2011

More Halloween Decorations

I added some Halloween decorations to the living room Thursday. I just thought the windows needed something. But the haunted house looked better in the bathroom!

I just didn't like how anything looked in the center window, but AJ suggested putting ghosts on the smaller side windows. He was right, that was the perfect place to put decorations!

First, I cut out this adorable spider and his web from the eclips Halloween and Scaredy Cat Alphaber cartridge. I cut the web up so that I could put part of it on each corner of the window.

Isn't he just the cutest?

Then, on the other window, I cut out some ghosts! I cut these from the Cricut Mini Monsters cartridge. They are actually supposed the be a layer for a kid's costume on the cartridge, but I just cut out this layer and made it a ghost for the window!

AJ thinks they look like Pac Men ghosts...

Yeahhhh, he may have a point!

Well, I'm off to work, have a wonderful Monday!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Sunday {10 23 2011}

AJ's friends from New Jersey came to visit this weekend. We spent Friday going around Chicago doing "touristy" things. I took almost all of my scavenger hunt photos then!

I'm linking up with Ashley, Sara and Traci. I can't wait to see everyone else's fabulous photos.

1. Words

I just love the alliteration of Tip Tip Tap. I don't know what it means though.

2. Under

The view from under the bean in Millennium Park. Can you find me?

3. Orange

There are orange mums all over the city this week!

4. Fly

The view from the top of the Sears Willis Tower.

5. Always Look on the Bright Side

Looking on the bright side of the bean really hurt my eyes! But I love this shot, the sky is so bright, and the tops of the trees are turning bright red!

I hope you had a great weekend and you have a great week!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Painting the Living Room

AJ and I decided it is time to re do the living room.

We picked out a nice brown slip cover (I don't know why, but AJ is all about the brown couches and sectionals) from Target, I just need to order it!

Then, I want to paint our silver floor lamp bronze. Has anyone ever tried to re finish a lamp? I'm thinking I can just spray paint it, but I'm not sure if that will work...I don't see why it wouldn't though!

And, we are choosing a paint color...I think we want to do a yellow or gold color, but I'm not sure which one! I picked out three different colors:

Early Morning Sun
Crisp Ginger Ale

I painted them all over the living room.

Over the couch

By the table

Behind the tv

I think I know which one I like, but I'm not sure if I should just scratch all of them and go with a totally new color. Any comments would be totally appreciated!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Fall Decorations

I have a lot of my Halloween decorations up, but I also a few fall decorations that can stay up through Thanksgiving :)

I love my Happy Harvest fence. I saw it at Michaels when I was in New York, but it was $12.99 (I think, something like that). But when I went to Michaels last week, it was on sale for $4.99! Of course I got it! (um, you can ignore the Ikea-bag-turned-laundry-basket in the background...we did tons of laundry today!)

I love how it looks on my table with my Ikea lanterns. I just love these lanterns, I had the exact same ones in my bedroom growing up, so when I saw them again at Ikea, I bought them for my apartment.

I wanted to make some fall candles to go along with this, to either put on my kitchen table, or on the big window. I'm not sure yet.

I used the Cricut Speaking of Fall cartridge. The background paper actually has a little shimmer to it, but you can't really see it in the picture...

Have a great Thursday!

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