
Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I went a little crazy this weekend buying lots of things to decorate with for Valentine's Day (you can see the craziness here). One of the things I bought were these L-O-V-E letters. I think they will look nice on our big window sill in the living room.

I am planning on decorating them with navy and white paint, maybe dots or stripes...I haven't decided yet! But so far, they just have their base coat of "sailing sky" - don't you just love that name?!

Well, that's all that is going on here! Stop on by Julia's check out even more desks from around the world :)


  1. Nice to see something different to the traditional colours. Would love to see a pic of the finished project. Have a lovely woyww day.

  2. Fab lettters and nice to see a non-red colour for Valentine's day.
    Happy WOYWW
    Cathy xx (#24)

  3. I love those big letters... keep looking at them in Michaels and now you have probably leaned me toweards picking some up as yours look lovely in that bluey gray colour!!

  4. Hi there; great creative space this week. I have similar letters on the window ledge in our bedroom. Look forward to seeing the finished project. Thanks for sharing!
    Neil # 31

  5. Lovely colour but I can't help but envision swirls stamped or painted in white over that lovely blue - but hey, I am a swirly girlie :)

    Look forward to seeing them done. Happy WOYWW!


  6. Gotta LOVE the big LOVE in a non-traditional color scheme. Happy WOYWW (#3).

  7. get idea for your window sill. I also like the blue and white idea! Thanks for sharing and have a great week! Vickie #50

  8. 'Sailing sky' makes me think of lying in long grass in the summer watching the swallows swooping over head!!
    Hugs, LLJ #26 xx

  9. Fantastic idea, love them and the blue & white idea sounds great, Hugs May x x x x

  10. amazing hun i love it,thanks for sharing on woyww,
    hugs sandra (81)

  11. Love this shade of blue! Great idea...Happy Wednesday!

  12. thats such a great idea

    thanks for the snoop
    Judie xx

  13. Love your LOVE - if you see what I mean and that paint colour is gorgeous.
    Ann B

  14. love the love letters! might have to check out michael's this weekend!

  15. Great letters look forward to seeing them finished!! Hugs trace x

  16. I like the idea of non traditional Valentines decorating that you can keep out all year. Lovely goodies you scored at Michaels, I've been staying away from the craft stores as I got lots of new goodies for Christmas and birthday!

    Brenda 101

  17. Great project! Those will look great on the window sill. Happy WOYWW! --Meechelle #114

  18. LOVE to see it when it's finished!!
    Thanks for sharing your desk.
    Happy WOYWW!!
    Hug Marleen ;-) #4

  19. I do love the name! They look great Katie!

  20. Sailing sky -- that sounds so peaceful! Your desk looks very nice with L O V E all over it!!

    WOYWW #45

  21. Hiya, loving that colour for a love theme! and those little jars look fantastic- i need some.

    Happy Crafting!
    Maria x

  22. Wow that's a big 'love'! Looking good! Happy WOYWW from #57 Kim

  23. Fab letters and I say spots and stripes!!! Thanks for the peek in to your crafty space...Sarah at 6

  24. Terrific letters and it would be spots for me ... love polka dots :) It's a lovely idea for a Valentine too. Sailing blue is a fab name for a colour - almost as good as the air-blue I read about in a poem. Hope your week is a good one. Elizabeth x #96

  25. Aw!!!! So wish we had Michael's in the UK!!

  26. That's going to be really pretty! Right now I love putting paint in little spray bottles and spraying over stencils! Very fun!

    Katie (158)

  27. Your colour is so pretty, love the name as well :)

  28. I'm still trying to catch up on last week's visits, so I've popped by to say Hi to you first....

    Those are lovely letters - the ones we get over here are dull, and more three-dimensional, and never an interesting font. I've taken to making my own!

    Morti @ 23

  29. Gorgeous big letters, I'm sure they'll look stunning when they're finished!

    Happy belated woyww!


  30. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE is all you need... yeah, yeah yeeeaaaah!
    LOVE from JoZarty x

  31. Those are big bold letters indeed. Have fun playing with them. And look at all those jars of loveliness in the background! Fun times!

  32. Looking forward to seeing what you do with these - enjoy - thanks for the peep at your workspace(Hazel, WOYWW 67) x

  33. It's a job I'd love - being the namer of the colours at the paint factory...they are so redolent aren't they.
    I like the LOVE...please be sure to show them finished and in situ!

  34. Don't forget to show the letters finished. Love all those jars.
    Hugs Joanne xx

  35. Hi Katie
    Love your Love Letters and yes, the paint name is lovely. (That's a whole lot of 'love')
    Funny how bowling lets you see so many famous people - you'll have to keep a list going.
    Thanks for sharing and for commenting on my blog - Hugs, Neet xx

  36. This project is going to look great Katie, love that blue

  37. Hi, it's me again. Thanks for dropping in on my blog, I, and Sorrel, appreciate it so much. Agree about the groomers, ours puts blue ribbons on the boys, a step too far I think.
    Ann B

  38. L O V E your letters and look forward to seeing them finished!

  39. Can't wait to see your completed L-o-V-e letters!! Happy crafting!

  40. When you see paints with lovely names you just have to buy them don't you. This is a gorgeous blue. Your letters will look fantastic I'm sure. Don't forget to show us the finished result.
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax #99


I love reading your thoughts, opinions and ideas. Thank you so much for taking the time to share them :)