
Friday, November 8, 2013

Project Life 2013 {09.09 - 09.15 + 09.16 - 09.22}

I am so so glad that it is Friday!

This week just seemed extra long.

But on the bright side, I've finally done some projects that aren't Project Life. So I can go back to sharing Project Life on Fridays, and lots of other things during the rest of the week! Including one of my favorite recipes coming up this week :)

But, since it is Friday, and Friday is Project Life Day, here it is!

This is actually the week I did Week in the Life. Even though I've done WITL for several years, this is the first time its coincided with Project Life. And I sort of struggled with doing these projects together. It seemed redundant. So I think next year, I am going to use WITL as an insert into Project Life. Not exactly sure how yet though... Did you do the projects together? What did you do?

My second to last week of work before the wedding. Things were pretty calm around here. AJ had to fly back to New Jersey, so it was just me for most of the week. I ate chocolate, read, made a new wreath, and had one of my favorite harder to find fall beers. I also had a shower at work - everyone was so sweet, and the cake was beautiful!

Well, that's it for me today. I am so looking forward to sharing some different projects with you next week. Not that I don't love Project Life, I'm just glad that I've done a few different projects this week as well!

What have you been working on lately?

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  1. I think incorporating week in the life into PL will work great! Sounds like a fun week you had without AJ ;) I've been working on lots of birthday cards. Abie has had an influx of parties!

  2. As always great photos and pages Katie :)
    I know what you mean about doing two projects similar.
    I do a smash book with trips, I also scrapbook my trips and when I did P365, the trips would also be documented in. How much so to much?

  3. I always enjoy looking back on your weeks! I remember your shower. It seems so long ago now!
    I'm still working on 2011 and haven't gotten too far..I thought I was up to Thanksgiving but I have a few events before that to finish up. I was away for the weekend so no scrapping was done!

  4. So glad that you are getting back in the swing of things and doing all kinds of crafting on a regular basis....and I am sure that you are as well. Your AWITL is looking great!


I love reading your thoughts, opinions and ideas. Thank you so much for taking the time to share them :)