Wednesday, April 30, 2014

And We Danced {Wedding Recaps}

Once we were introduced, danced and toasted, it was time for the real fun to begin.

And so, in no particular order in chronological order, here are the pictures of the dancing, the laughing, the singing and the partying!

Photo Credit: Ruby Star Photography
 Yes, we fist pumped. AJ's from was bound to happen.

Photo Credit: Ruby Star Photography

Photo Credit: Ruby Star Photography
And we line danced. Electric Slide and Cotton Eyed Joe. Cotton Eyed Joe was the only song I took my shoes off for. Of course, Allie will tell you that "took them off" is an understatement. I kicked them off across the reception hall, sending them flying towards the head table, right between the legs of a waitress!

Photo Credit: Ruby Star Photography
 Even Nonni got in on the on dancing action!

Photo Credit: Ruby Star Photography

And there were shots, and singing...

Photo Credit: Ruby Star Photography
And lots more dancing (and maybe a short time that I didn't wear my jacket. I got super overheated after the shoe-kicking-jumping-up-and-down-for-four-minutes that was the Cotton Eyed Joe!)

Before we knew it, it was time to cut the cake, throw the bouquet, eat pie and dance some more! But all that has to wait for another post (or two or three!)

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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Wedding License {Scrapbook Layout}

Hi everyone!

It seems I took an unintended blogging break last week.

I was on Spring Break and my parents came to visit. We went to Mississippi, shopped, ate and spent lots of time outside.

But now they are back in New York, and I'm back at school, and getting back to blogging!

This layout, featuring lots and lots of Bella Blvd papers + a Project Life Wedding Mini kit card, is about a very very crazy day in New York.

Because AJ and I were getting married back home, but very very far away from where we were living, we had to pack a lot of things into short trips. On this particular day, we had to get our marriage license, have our final meeting with our wedding venue and meet with the priest preforming our wedding ceremony. All before Labor Day weekend started!

I think the journaling explains the hectic day really well :)

"August 30, 2013 was a crazy day. It would be our last chance to do any in person meetings before wedding week! We started off the day by getting lost on our way to the Nassau County Clerks Office to get our marriage license. Once we found it though, everything wen smoothly! Then we headed to Dunkin Donuts for a quick bite to eat. There people there thought it was our wedding day because of our clothes - white lace dress (me) + suit (AJ. We are + drove up to Stewart Manor Country Club to meet with June and Mom. We made our final menu choices (including a quesadilla station for cocktail hour + a pie bar for dessert!), chose our cake (chocolate w/ white chocolate mousse filling) and picked our table linens (napkins that exactly match our bridesmaids dresses - yes please!). Unfortunately, the meeting ran late. We had to leave Mom to finalize the table set up so we could go to St. Rose. We were super late due to traffic on the Southern State. I think Fr. Ken was mad, but he warmed up to us. We went through our ceremony choices, then headed home to go out east."

Fortunately, we got everything done, and had a wonderful Labor Day weekend!

Which is more than I can say for this week. We had a wonderful time, but I definitely didn't get everything done!

How was your Easter or spring break? What did you do?

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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Reception Decor: Centerpieces + Table Numbers {Wedding Recaps}

So you already know that I went crazy with burlap at the reception

But that wasn't the only thing we decorated with.

I also went a little crazy with mason jars.

Seriously, I have no idea how James, our maitre'd, understood everything I wanted for this wedding. I dropped off boxes and boxes of burlap and mason jars and chalkboards and a tree with three pages of hand written notes and he managed to make it look exactly like I imagined.

Photo Credit: Ruby Star Photography
I really didn't want flowers for our centerpieces. I had my heart set on mason jars filled with candles. And we used them everywhere. On the tables, in the bathroom, on the fireplaces. I loved how it made the room seem so romantic.

Photo Credit: Ruby Star Photography
Of course, the table numbers needed a little bit of burlap too. These were so easy - a bit of burlap, some paint, a stencil and $1 frames from Michael's. But they added a perfect pop of color to the room. We made them in three colors - this orange, a darker, more metallic rust and brown.

Photo Credit: Ruby Star Photography
We also found a lot of fun things from Pinterest for the tables. This "thank you" was one of the first things I pinned for the wedding. We printed it on the back of our menus, so one would be placed at every seat.

Photo Credit: Ruby Star Photography
The I Spy cards came from Pinterest too. We really wanted people to instagram pictures from the wedding, and thought this would be a fun way for people who weren't sure what to photograph to get in on the action!

Photo Credit: Ruby Star Photography
And these pumpkins...these pumpkins were one of my favorite crafts. Of course, I found the idea on Pinterest. They didn't just decorate the gift table, but their other appearance is a surprise for later :)

Is Pinterest one of your go to sources of inspiration too? Leave me your Pinterest profile name - I'm always looking for new people to follow!

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Thursday, April 17, 2014

snap.scrap.share {April 2014}

Happy Weekend Eve!

Today I'm over at Julie's sharing my photo organization system.

And in honor of Julie's new blog design, we've changed up a few things about my posts there. They will still be the third Thursday of the month, and still be about scrapbooking and crafting. But they have a new name and a new button!

I'm so excited about it! So today I'll be there, and tomorrow I will be back with a Project Life layout :)

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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Reception Decor: Burlap Banners {Wedding Recaps}

For me, one of the most exciting things about wedding planning was the decor.

I had a really specific idea in mind for our reception decor, and it involved burlap banners.

Fortunately, before our engagement photo shoot, I perfected my technique for creating no sew burlap bunting.

And you know I put that good use for the wedding!

Photo Credit: Ruby Star Photography
Basically, you need:
  • burlap
  • felt
  • marker
  • iron on bonding 
  • twine
  • iron + ironing board
  • kitchen towel
  • stencil
  • acrylic paint + paint brush

Once upon a time, I created a tutorial with pictures. This is just an updated version of it.
  1. Trace a bunting shape onto your felt + cut it out.
  2. Lay one felt bunting piece on your ironing board. Place a strip of Stitch Witchery along each side of the triangle.
  3. Now is a great time to add the twine so it is “sewn” into the bunting. Just lay a piece across the top of your bunting. Be sure to leave enough to tie your bunting on one side, and enough to add the other bunting pieces on the other.
  4. Carefully place a piece of burlap on top of the bunting. Be careful not to knock off the Stitch Witchery or twine! Iron as directed.
  5. Cut out your bunting using the felt as a guide. Be very very very careful not to cut the twine!
  6.  Repeat until all of your pieces are cut out. Just keep lining them up along the same piece of twine, and when you get to the end. Trim so you have enough to tie your bunting on this side too.
  7. Stencil on your phrase with the acrylic paint + sponge brush.
  8. And then use the bunting everywhere you possibly can think of!

Photo Credit: Ruby Star Photography
Like for the card box. This Michael's crate got a coat of dark orange paint on the outside + two dowels + a banner for a quick and easy (and inexpensive!) card box!

Photo Credit: Ruby Star Photography
You can add burlap to the head table. Yeah, I know its backwards...but AJ is a lefty, so we sat "backwards" at our reception so we weren't banging into each other the whole time we tried to eat!

Photo Credit: Ruby Star Photography
And of course a fireplace needs a touch of burlap bunting. And the extra burlap fabric is perfect wrapped around potted mums, with a fall themed ribbon.

Do you ever create your own buntings or banners? What do you use them for?

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Friday, April 11, 2014

Project Life 2014 {Week 10 + Week 11}

Happy Friday!

Today is the last Friday before Spring Break! Next week is a short week, and we are off on Friday. I can't wait!

And, for the first time in three weeks, AJ and I are both home + not working for the weekend!

In fact, its been so long that these Project Life layouts are from the last time that we both had the weekend off together!

Week 10 | March 3 - March 9
This week was Mardi Gras break! I guess it wasn't too long ago, but it feels like it was months ago right now! I mostly stayed close to home, cleaning, unpacking, cooking and planting flowers. It wasn't a very exciting week, but it was a relaxing one and I loved it!

Week 11 | March 10 - March 16
It was back to school this week. But we also had some exciting things going on. Our new dining room table was delivered, and I painted the accent wall behind our mantle - until I ran out of paint! I did finish it though, and posted it here. I also got a new charm for my bracelet. My mom gets me a charm from every city that we live in. So far, I have one from New York, one from Chicago, and now a Louisiana one!

I guess that is all for me. I better start getting ready to start my Friday, so I can finish my Friday and start my weekend! What are your plans for today?

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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Easter Egg Wreath + Mantle {Home Decor}

Happy Thursday!

I am thrilled to report that this week is almost over! Not that its been a bad week, I'm just really looking forward to the weekend. AJ had to work the past two weekends, and last weekend I was in California, so it will be nice to have a regular weekend together!

Its also Palm Sunday weekend, which means that it is almost Easter!

Easter is the first "big" holiday that we've had the house, so I was really excited to decorate for it. Seriously, if I was this thrilled over Easter, Christmas is going to be insane!

I've never actually decorated for Easter before, so I started with making a wreath for our front door.

This one was super easy. I followed this tutorial pretty much exactly.

I had glue sticks and cardboard laying around, so all I needed were the eggs, which I got in a big giant bag from Target for $2. Oh, and the Easter grass. I had some, but it was blue and I wanted purple, so I got some of that at Target too.

I really wanted to create a pattern, so I laid everything out to make sure I had the right number of colors.

And then I started gluing everything down.

And before I knew it, we had a pretty new wreath for our front door.

And I had about a zillion eggs left over. So I decided to fill up my Ikea lanters + create an egg garland for the mantle. I love how cheerful it looks.

Now I just need to hold off on making the Easter baskets for another week. I've been dyyyying to make it for a while now, ever since I bought the candy for it!

Also, in an entirely unrelated to Easter comment, I just wanted to point out the artwork on the mantle. One of the things I love about it is that it was all  handmade, and all give to us as gifts! The awesome monogram frame is from Jules, the maps were a bridal shower gift from a friend and the wedding frame was a Christmas gift made by my brother and his girlfriend!

Do you decorate for Easter, or do you just do a general spring theme? I am going to switch everything over to spring during my spring break!

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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

First Dance + Toasts {Wedding Recaps}

After we were all introduced, it was time for the first dance.

We chose "God Gave Me You" by Blake Shelton for our first dance. And we also used it for our wedding highlight video. We really love that song!

And now, every time I hear it, I think of our wedding day.

We even heard it while we were driving to the showing where we found our house!

Photo Credit: Ruby Star Photography
After the first dance, we had the toasts. We had toasts from my matron of honor, AJ's best man, and my dad. They all did an amazing job.

Photo Credit: Ruby Star Photography
But I did have one question - were AJ and I supposed to drink the champagne with everyone else? We weren't sure, because we were the ones being toasted, so do we toast to ourselves? What do you think?

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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Shower Flowers {Scrapbook Layout}

Happy Tuesday!

This was a crazy, but fun, weekend. One of my closest friends was married in California! I loved seeing our friends, meeting her family and celebrating her and her new husband.

And in addition to all that fabulousness, it was the first time I'd ever been to the West Coast so I got to see the Pacific Ocean for the first time (that is a layout waiting to happen!)

Unfortunately, AJ couldn't attend the wedding because of work. During a two week span every year called "turnaround" he has to work every day - even weekends! - and he cannot take any days off. Of course, the wedding fell during those two weeks! He was really upset to have missed the wedding, and we definitely missed him there. But in a silver lining - I was super proud of myself for traveling to all the way to Orange County on my own!

Speaking of things AJ couldn't attend, I still have one layout from my bridal shower that I haven't shared (the others are here, here and here!)

I'm not sure why, but it was very important to me that AJ have flowers delivered to my bridal shower. I was so excited when he did, so they got their very own layout!

Just like I did for all of the other layouts, I used the Bella Blvd Engaged at Last line, but I also added in some Project Life cards from the Clementine kit for a little color. They matched the card from the florist so well that I couldn't help but add them!

Were there any little things that you really wanted at your bridal shower, like my flowers? Did you get them?

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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Wedding Party Intros {Wedding Recaps}

AJ had a really cool idea for the wedding party introductions.

He wanted to use a different song for each pair. And he wanted to match each song up to something that meant something to him and each groomsman.

And since almost all of the cool wedding stuff is about the girls, I thought this was a great way to give the boys something cool too!

We ended up not doing separate songs for the parents and grandparents. I'm not sure why...we had songs picked...but I think it was late in the wedding planning process, and it just didn't happen.

So here are the songs we would have chosen:

Grandmothers: I Love You and Bushel and a Peck
AJ's Dad + Aunt: I Can't Dance
My parents: Stuck Like Glue
Photo Credit: Ruby Star Photography
And since we actually did play different songs for the wedding party. Here are there songs!

Josh and Kerry: Kokomo
Photo Credit: Ruby Star Photography
James and Ali: Killa Cam (I tried to find the clean version...but I couldn't. If you are at work/around kids/just don't like hear curse words I wouldn't click it!)
Photo Credit: Ruby Star Photography
 Jim and Sarah: The Joker
Photo Credit: Ruby Star Photography
 Tommy and Allie: Total Eclipse of the Heart
Photo Credit: Ruby Star Photography
 Mike and Liz: There is No I in Team
Photo Credit: Ruby Star Photography
And then it was time for us to walk in! We walked in to The World, and now every time I hear it I think about our wedding.
Photo Credit: Ruby Star Photography
PS. I love that picture on the bottom left, because you can see my dad patting AJ on the shoulder as he walks by. I love that :)

What song did you walk into for your wedding?

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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Bachelor Party {Scrapbook Layout}

Happy Tuesday!

How was your weekend?

Ours was pretty boring, AJ has been busy at work and had to work all weekend!

Fortunately, I was able to use the time to get some scrapping done :)

One layout that I've been wanting to work on is AJ's bachelor party. I had made a layout about my bachelorette party and wanted to make a "matching" one for his bachelor party.

I was really excited to be working with the Bella Blvd Engaged at Last line again. It is just so fun, and I love the little journaling cards that came with the bachelor party papers!

The problem I kept running into with this layout was that I didn't have a picture of all of the guys at the bachelor party. I knew there was one, but I couldn't find it anywhere. And I kind of remembered that we didn't know where it was, and maybe one of the other guys had taken it and maybe we hadn't gotten it. I wasn't sure, but either way, I couldn't find it, so I figured I didn't have it.

Except after I was totally done with the layout, AJ found and sent me the picture! So I'm going to use it for the little mini book I was going to make (just like the shower mini book and bachelorette mini book) I'm just glad to finally have the picture!

Did you ever scrap something then find the picture you really wanted afterwards?

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