
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Summer List {2014}

Hello Summer!

Well, summer's officially starting tomorrow at noon. And if we are going by the weather, summer's been here since April. Yay Louisiana... 

The past few summers, I've created a list of things to do before school starts - and sometimes I even throw in a list for fall.

I usually wait until after the last day of school to post my list. But I am so so ready for it to be today (and I accidentally wrote it as today in my day planner!) and tomorrow's only a half day, so I decided to just post it now!

Sometimes they work out great {fall 2013} And I end up with lots of fun pages in my Project Life album {summer 2012} And other times, it doesn't work out so well {summer 2013}

But that's okay, because I still love making a new list every summer, even if we start school with none of it being done!

I already know that a few of things this will happen {road trip | beach} and some have already happened {concert} But there are a few I know probably won't be perfect {take a picture every day} but that isn't going to stop me from trying!

What's on your summer agenda this year?

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  1. Looks like a fun summer in the making!

  2. Looks like a fun summer in the making!

  3. All of the activities sound fun!
    Gotta love summer!

  4. These all sound like a lot of fun and great photo ops! I'm still working through the last few weeks of school so I haven't thought too much about our summer agenda. I'm behind!!

  5. Another great list of summer activities :)
    Looking forward to seeing you check them off your list. :)
    I plan on enjoying the warmth…yup still waiting for that though ;)

  6. Corona cupcakes!? Yes please! Looks like a fun summer ahead!


  7. I always love your lists :) We grilled pizzas on Sunday and they were delicious!


I love reading your thoughts, opinions and ideas. Thank you so much for taking the time to share them :)