
Friday, August 1, 2014

Project Life 2014 {Week 24}

Hi guys!

Its Friday...which means its surgery day. So I might not be able to respond to comments and things until later this weekend. Unless I say stuff today that sounds all crazy. Then let's blame the anesthesia and pain medication!

Fortunately, my Project Life pages are way more fun that surgery (I hope!)

Week 24 | June 9 - June 15, 2014
Week 24 was our vacation week this year. We spent a week on Harbor Island, SC. Mostly, we ate and drank, watched the wildlife, sat on the beach and relaxed by the pool.

But we also went on a day trips that earned its own insert.
The first one was to Savannah, GA. We'd never been before, but the city was beautiful! We both said that if they had a "real" fall and winter, we would consider living there. But they don't, at least, not by our north east standards. And we both love fall too much to give it up for much longer (I'm talking about you and your not very fall-y fall weather Louisiana!)

On the back of the insert I included a few more pictures from Harbor Island, including me in my running gear - we ran on the beach a few times and AJ even got me in the gym working with some of the weights! And my favorite picture of this random wooded path on Hunting Island. We didn't go down that path, we went down a similar one...but it had snakes, and possibly an alligator, so we didn't get too far before we ran back to our car!

I wish I was on the beach this weekend. But I'll be relaxing on the couch instead. At least I will get to pick all of the movies and tv shows and dinners for the whole weekend! I'm thinking lots of When Harry Met Sally, Mad About You and any other romantic comedies I can think of!

What are you up to this weekend?

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  1. SO glad that you are looking on the bright side of your surgery...getting control of the shows and meals sounds pretty great. Love your week 24 layouts! Hope that everything goes perfectly today! I am sure that you will be good as new before you know it. Hugs and prayers sweet friend!

  2. Thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way!! Enjoy the pampering time and don't overdo it after surgery!! Some RomComs and favorite meals on the couch sound perfect!
    Love the layouts and photos from your trip!

  3. Hoping everything went well with your surgery!! I know AJ is taking good care of you :)

  4. I hope your surgery went well, and you are relaxing and enjoying those movies.
    Your pages are all so great and when I looked at the photos I was thinking, is that where they saw all of those snakes, teehee.
    Take care my friend.

  5. Oh my goodness, Katie, I just read your post below when I saw you were having surgery on this one!
    I am thinking of you an keeping you in my prayers!!

  6. Hoping surgery went well and that AJ waited on you hand and foot! :)
    Love these PL spreads-a week at the beach is a week well spent, for sure.


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