
Friday, April 26, 2013

Project Life 25 {Week 41: February 18 - February 24}

Happy Friday!

We've been in Baton Rouge for about a month now. And to be honest, I'm kind of glad that I'm getting to the end of my Chicago Project Life pages.

Its not that I don't love these pages, its that they kind of make me sad. I miss Chicago. Not that I don't like it here, but I'm still getting my bearings here, and I was settled there.

Top Row: Getting ready to go out for our "engagement anniversary". We won a gift card during wedding trivia at Pre Cana, so we decided to use it to go out to dinner to celebrate being engaged for 1 year.
Bottom Row: Re creating this picture from the day we got engaged.

Top Row: Oscar ballots ~ My fabulous drawing of an energy chain
Bottom Row: Baby shower treats ~ Waiting for the train

Well, I'm feeling nostalgic now.

But, this weekend we are going to New Orleans for the first time! We are going to see a golf tournament. Unfortunately, they do not allow pictures at the tournament, but I do hope to get some of New Orleans!

What are your plans for this weekend?


  1. I can't believe you're almost done your PL in Chicago! What a cute idea, to celebrate your engagement anniversary! Going to N.O. sounds like a blast!! We're going to visit college girl this weekend! Can't wait!

  2. loving your project life-- so awesome
    have fun in new orleans!!

  3. Ah Katie, I'm a bit misty eyed for you now. I sure hope that you learn to enjoy Baton Rouge as much as you did Chicago :) Do you know how long you'll be there? I really hope you have a blast in New Orleans! I'm headed down there in June with my mom and sister!! You'll have to let me know how it is :)

  4. I am interested to see how you like New Orleans. I have only been once. Some parts I really liked and others were just kind of meh. I hope that you guys have a great time and there will be tons of great photo ops!

  5. Hope you have a wonderful time in New Orleans.
    I will visit vicariously through your photos of the trip ;-)

  6. I can't believe you have been there that long already! Seems like you were just making the drive :)

  7. Wow, a month has gone by already, it seems like you just got there.

    Sorry your missing your ol' town :(
    But happy you are going to have a fun weekend :)


I love reading your thoughts, opinions and ideas. Thank you so much for taking the time to share them :)