Monday, April 29, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday {04.30.2013}

Scavenger Hunt Sunday Tuesday.

Better late than never right?

Walking in some of these is difficult. Worth it. But difficult.

Yummy to My Tummy
Granny Smith Apples + Peanut Butter. Yum!

Favorite Toy

What? You don't have four calendars? Calendar syncing is not your favorite part of the week? Moving forward then...

What I Did This Week...
AJ and I went to New Orleans to see the Zurich golf tournament on Saturday. It was a lot of fun, but unfortunately, no cameras were allowed :( So instead you get to see this. I cleaned the bathroom counter. Yes, my life is so exciting that I'm sharing my bathroom counter top with you. I know. I am one crazy girl.

Mama Bear, 5.1987, my first present from my dad
Moosey, 8.2008, a reminder of our vacation to Maine
Perry Blue Goggles, 3.2010, a present from my mom for surviving a terrible vacation
Beluga, 3.2012, a present to me from me after seeing my favorite animals, belugas, swimming at the Shedd Aquarium

Well, that's all for me today! I'll be back Wednesday to share some exciting things going on on my desk.

Linking up with Scavenger Hunt Sunday

Friday, April 26, 2013

Project Life 25 {Week 41: February 18 - February 24}

Happy Friday!

We've been in Baton Rouge for about a month now. And to be honest, I'm kind of glad that I'm getting to the end of my Chicago Project Life pages.

Its not that I don't love these pages, its that they kind of make me sad. I miss Chicago. Not that I don't like it here, but I'm still getting my bearings here, and I was settled there.

Top Row: Getting ready to go out for our "engagement anniversary". We won a gift card during wedding trivia at Pre Cana, so we decided to use it to go out to dinner to celebrate being engaged for 1 year.
Bottom Row: Re creating this picture from the day we got engaged.

Top Row: Oscar ballots ~ My fabulous drawing of an energy chain
Bottom Row: Baby shower treats ~ Waiting for the train

Well, I'm feeling nostalgic now.

But, this weekend we are going to New Orleans for the first time! We are going to see a golf tournament. Unfortunately, they do not allow pictures at the tournament, but I do hope to get some of New Orleans!

What are your plans for this weekend?

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Acadia National Park, Maine

The other night, AJ and I spent some time going through some of my older scrapbooks (at least, the ones I have here in Baton Rouge!)

And I found this layout that I don't think I ever shared! But its one that I love :)

It does amuse me to see how my style has changed (and how it hasn't!) The one thing I think I miss on this layout is the journaling. I remember lots of the stories when I look at the pictures, but no one else would know them if they looked at this layout.

But, its just not my style to go back and change a layout once its completed (and in this case, has been complete for three years!)

Would you, or do you, go back and rework old layouts? Or are you like me and leave them as they are?

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

WOYWW {04.24.2013}

Its Wednesday!

The day that we share our desks and get to sneak peeks at everyone else's, thanks to the fabulous Julia.

My desk has migrated to the floor. I wanted to see the TV, so this was a better spot for me.

I'm working on making Project Life like cards from Bella Blvd's Sand and Surf papers for a mini album that will eventually be about our honeymoon.

What are you working on today?

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Monday, April 22, 2013

Top 5 {Outdoors}

Is it really Monday morning already?!

How did that even happen? I'm pretty sure it was just Friday afternoon!

One of the many things I didn't get to this weekend was hanging out outside. Now that we actually have an outside space to hang out it, I would really like to take advantage of it. Especially before the weather gets to be 100 degrees and humid, which everyone keeps saying is going to happen!

Fortunately, Pinterest has lots of outside ideas, even when I'm stuck inside!

Bug Spray Before I can actually go outside, I realized I'm going to need some bug spray. My skin reacts really badly to bug bites. Unfortunately, it also doesn't love store bought bug sprays, but I can't wait to try this out and see if it keeps those mean mosquitoes away!
Garden Hose Wreath Okay, so I already have a new wreath that I love, but I can love this one too!
Vertical Flower Tower My mom has a special rod thing that makes these vertical flower towers, but I don't, and I don't know where to buy one! But now I don't have to worry about it :)
DIY Citronella Candles A fun project + candles + keeping the bugs away? Yes, please!

Frozen Yogurt Drops I love that this are so so easy to make. And we always have yogurt in the house. Now I just need to find 5 minutes to make them!
I'm feeling really inspired to go outside now! Too bad I have to go to work...when I get home! I'm going outside!

What is your favorite outdoors activity for the spring?

Friday, April 19, 2013

Project Life 25 {Week 40: February 11 - February 17}

Oh man, I am so excited that it is Friday!

This has been quite a long week, and I can't wait to relax this weekend!

Of course, it being Friday, I've got a Project Life page today!

This one is from way back over Valentine's Day...

Whenever I want to include cards that I would like to open, I adhere them on top of the page protectors. So  for this page, I filled up all the parts of the page that you would see with this fun banner paper, and glued my cards right on top. I love that I can open them up and read them easily.

The second page featured an amazing pizza dinner we had. AJ sure knows how much I love pizza! Oh man, looking at this page is making me hungry and making me miss this dinner!

I better make some pizza for dinner tonight or I'm never going to get rid of this pizza craving! Well, I guess we've established what I'm doing tonight! What are your plans for the weekend?

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Third Thursday: Scrapbook Stories {04.18.2013}

Hi everyone!

Its the third Thursday of April, which means I'm over at Julie's today. And I'm sharing an actual 2 page layout. The first one I've done (for me) in a while!

I'll be back tomorrow with Project Life! See you all then :)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

WOYWW {04.17.2013}

Its Wednesday!

The day that we share our desks and get to sneak peeks at everyone else's, thanks to the fabulous Julia.

Yes, its a touch of a mess, and there are still papers from this layout sitting out. But my desk is here, and unpacked and ready for scrappiness (after a quick clean up of course!)

We couldn't clean up this weekend though, because we had to attend a gala!

It was held at the Louisiana State Museum, with a gorgeous view of the capitol building from the dance floor.

And we got to go into the museum, we had it all to ourselves! I really wanted to pretend I was steering with this wheel, but I was too afraid of getting in trouble!

And I made AJ, the chemical engineer, pose near an oil thingy. It seemed fitting. It would probably make more sense if I could remember the right name for it!

Well, that's all for me for today! What's going on on your desk?

Monday, April 15, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday {04.14.2013}

Now that this move is finally done and we are settled in Baton Rouge (well, almost settled...I'm looking at you closet shelves) its time to get back to a routine. Like linking up with Scavenger Hunt Sunday!

I miss this view. Watching the sky start to glow as the sun rose over Lake Michigan.

Love seeing our old things in our new apartment!

Saturday night we went to a gala in the shadow of the capitol building!

Friday at school we got to watch this little baby hatch. In an odd turn of events, I had my DSLR at work, and was able to capture a ton of pictures as this little group of goslings hatched and took their first steps!

My mom came to visit us in Baton Rouge last week. Definitely an occasion for lots of smiles!

Did you participate this week? What were your captures?

Friday, April 12, 2013

Project Life 25 {Week 39: February 4 - February 10}

I am so so happy that it is Friday!

AJ has been out of town all week and he is finally coming home today!

I really don't like when AJ is away, I really miss him!

But I do get to do a lot of scrapping done, but I also don't sleep very well...which is probably why I have time to do so much scrapping!

I actually didn't do much work on Project Life, but I still have lots of Project Life pages to share!

Top Row: Mailing all my paperwork to Louisiana to get my new teacher certification. Fortunately, everything worked out well and I am now certified in NY, IL and LA!
Bottom Row: A big big grocery shop after completely running out of food ~ Watching "Big Bang Theory", a Thursday favorite :)

This whole page is about Valentine's Day treats. The cupcakes were supposed to be these Heart Cupcakes, however, the inside was an epic fail. The outside was pretty though!

Oh man, that all seems so far away! Can you believe it is already almost halfway through April?!

Well, I'm off to work, and then to pick AJ up at the airport!! I hope you have some fabulous weekend plans!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Our New Apartment

Well, I wanted to share this yesterday.

But I haven't been sleeping very well lately. Getting used to all the new apartment sounds takes a little bit and I keep waking up in the middle of the night. So my brain just is not functioning the right way!

Of course, waking up to a thunderous crash at 5:58am Tuesday morning definitely didn't help the lack of sleep problem!

1.5 shelves in my closet ripped down. Yes, 1.5, one shelf is still half hanging on...the other is now leaning up against the bathroom wall!
Now my bed is holding all of the clothes and all the boxes are piled up on the closet floor. Extremely fortunately, my two Expedit bookshelves that are holding lots of my crafty supplies, shoes and bags in the closet escaped unharmed!

And of course, these rooms are just fine!
Our living room. That door goes out to our balcony, but its dark so I couldn't take any pictures of that! But my crafty desk fits in the living room, and some of my crafty supplies are in those brown boxes too!

If you turned around from the above picture, you'd see this. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this cut out in the kitchen. I don't feel so isolated when I am in the kitchen, I can actually talk to AJ even if he is sitting in the living room. And our TV swivels, so I can turn it and watch TV while I cook.

And on the wall next to the living room and kitchen (kind of across from the kitchen) is this fabulous built in book case. More of my crafty stuff is in those brown boxes. And I love that picture up top of Chicago. It was a gift from AJ's coworkers when he left. I just love it :)

Right next to those bookshelves, in the little closet, right next to the front door, is something fabulous.
IN UNIT LAUNDRY! Happy dance :)

And that is my apartment, in a nut shell. I'm so happy that I was able to get some many things that I really wanted - an open kitchen, in unit laundry, a walk in closet (guess I should have been more specific about one with shelves that didn't rip out of the wall) and a balcony!

What are your home must-haves?

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Bridesmaids Scrapbook {Bridal Shower Gift}

This weekend was my cousin's bridal shower. Unfortunately, because my job is brand new and the flights (or lack thereof) to Baton Rouge, I couldn't go.

But that didn't stop me from contributing to her scrapbook!

My aunt (her mom) had the fun idea to have each bridesmaid create a scrapbook page about our relationship with the bride.

As the scrapper in the family, I was in charge of picking out the papers and making the cover page. I will also be in charge of making an additional page or two about the shower, but I didn't do that yet.

Since my cousin loves yellow, blue and graphic patterns, each girl got two pages from the Recollections Everyday Moments paper pack. I can't find the stack now, but apparently this one is extremely similar.

Then, each girl put together a page for the book. I wish I could have seen everyone's pages in person, but the pictures I saw were great!

This is the cover page for the book...My cousin's style is very clean, so I wanted to book to reflect that. I just backed the invite (which I also made) on some of the extra Recollections papers.

Then, for my page to her, I used pictures of us as little kids and as adults. The title says "cousins", but the shiny gold stickers don't show up great in photos!

To be honest, I was really nervous about making this page! I never really make scrapbooks for other people, and I found it a little stressful! I know when I make pages for me to enjoy that I'm going to like whatever I make, but I was worried about making a page for something as important as a wedding for someone else!

Do you like making scrapbook pages for others,or do you prefer to make them just for you?

Monday, April 8, 2013

Welcome Wreath

Hi everyone!

We are finally unpacked! My mom flew down last week and helped us get everything set up. She was such a big help, I had gotten so overwhelmed. There is just a touch of straightening up to do and I can share pictures!

But our front door is all decked out.

Inspired by this pin, I decided to head over to Hobby Lobby and pick up a wreath form + yarn + felt + ribbon (and lots and lots of stickers that were 50% off and a stamp...)

AJ wasn't home on Saturday, so I spent all day working on the wreath. Well, half the day. I spent the other half of the day at Hobby Lobby. I'd never been there before, so I just wondered around for a really long time looking at everything!

But when I got home, I spent the rest of the day making this wreath!

Since it took a ton of time to wrap the wreath with yarn, I would do a little, then take a break to cut out the flowers. Then wrap some more, and take a break to make the banner. Then wrapped some more!

I'm really happy with how it turned out, it makes the apartment seem more homey. I'm already thinking about what kind of fall wreath I can make!

If you had a day to yourself, would you spend all day crafting too?

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