I don't normally make single pages, or 8.5 x 11 layouts, but since I am now using a D-ring album, I can do things like this so much more easily than before!
The part that says "The CTA Chronicles" pops open to reveal my two craziest bus stories!
The journaling:
The Pantless Man
One morning, I got on the ## bus to school. I sat near the front, since I was getting off the bus soon. It was packed! At the next stop, a man got on wearing a t shirt, running shoes - and NO PANTS! He was wearing Family Guy boxers like they were shorts. Of course, he sat down right next to me! I jumped up and stood until the next stop, then I moved to the back of the bus. Fortunately, everyone back there was clothed!
-September 5
The "###"
I have to catch the 6:37am ### bus in order to get to work on time. At 6:33am, a bus with a "Not In Service" sign showed up. The driver opened the door and I asked, "Is this the ###?" He said it was, but his sign was broken for the second day in a row.
So, I got on the bus.
I realized, I am the only passenger on the bus.
The bus makes a few normal stops, but all of the people waiting say they are looking for a different bus and don't get on it!
Then, the bus makes a weird turn and deviates from the normal route!
Ath the corner of where the Michaels is! the drive said, "This is the end of the line - you have to get off." Except we were no where near school!
There is a ### line to where the Michaels is (as opposed to my normal near school route), but it doesn't start running until 9am!
That was definitely not a legitimate bus!
-September 7
After all of this bus drama, I think I'm going to start taking the train!
Fortunately, AJ is picking me up at school today, so I don't have to worry about any pantless men or fake buses!
Do you have any crazy public transit or traveling stories?

this is just way to much fun!! what a great way to capture these hysterical moments in life!
Oh, my! The guy with no pants definitely would have freaked me out too! Great layout!
What a crazy story!
But I can relate. I had to ride the bus in high school and that was some craziness I tell you!
Plus when we were in Mexico on vacation, Mike and I got on this bus. It looked like the regular bus, but had loud music playing. We called it the party bus. Definitely wasn't legitimate but kind of fun :)
Wow those are some crazy bus stories! I think doing a CTA page is a great idea! It will fun to read these again one day!! I like doing 8 1/2 x 11 albums sometimes..it's a fun format!
I'm glad AJ is driving you and/or you are taking the train from now on!!
Oh my goodness-that pantless man story is too funny-I love it. I'm sure you are glad to have AJ doing the driving now, though! :)
That is the cutest layout ever! I love the little banners and how funny are your stories? The only story I have is when we were on the subway in London and there was this guy standing behind my friend Michelle. He was talking to himself and all of a sudden he reaches out and yanks one her long blond hairs out. It was the craziest thing ever!
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