But, I do have my Week 12 pages to share today!
Top: Olympics Journaling Card, the blue and white blanket that I finally finished!
Top Row: Pink lemonade sorbet with blueberries and strawberries
Middle Row: What happens when we don't grocery shop for two weeks, August photo a day
Bottom Row: A very rainy window during Saturday afternoon's crazy storm, scrapping on the floor while AJ naps
And that was the first week of August in a nut shell! I had planned on getting all caught up on Project Life this weekend and then work on some non-Project Life layouts, but things did not turn out as planned!
AJ was away this weekend visiting family and friends in New Jersey before heading to his business meeting in Baltimore (which began today).
I was going to spend Saturday afternoon crafting, then go out dancing with some friends. Sunday I was going to work a bit and do some more crafting!
Unfortunately, I got food poisoning.
I am not entirely sure if its from cantaloupe that was in a fruit salad I got or its from leftover mac and cheese that, in hindsight, may have been a questionable Saturday morning breakfast, but seemed okay at the time. In my defense on that one, it was the only food I had in the house (I really needed to go grocery shopping after work Friday, but napped instead!) and it tasted quite yummy. And AJ and I both had it on Thursday night and we were both fine!
Either way, I spent my weekend napping a lot and definitely not going out!
Fortunately, I will have time to craft this week. When AJ isn't home, I don't make "real" dinners like I normally do. I will usually have cereal or a sandwich. Or maybe treat myself to pizza! Not cooking leaves with me a lot of time to craft after work. I'm looking forward to catching up on some non Project Life layouts.
Do you like to craft when your family is doing something else out of the house, whether it be for a few hours or a few days?

oh my golly that is terrible that you got food poisoning! so glad you are feeling better!
super pl!
Oh no, I'm glad you're feeling better! It's easy to think you're " falling behind" but as long as you're taking pictures and keeping notes it's super easy to catch back up! Like in a matter of an hour or two! That's what i love about this project! Hope you get lots of scrappy crafty time in this week!
You're really not that far behind (compared to me..!) haha!
I like how you used your metallic pens for the medal colors. Cute touch! And of course I love your finished blue blanket!
So sorry about your food poisoning this weekend!! I'm glad you are feeling better and have time to freely craft this week. Definitely treat yourself to some of that yummy Chicago style pizza! Yum and that sorbet sounded delicious!!
I still am in love with the blanket you made, so how many times do you run your hand across it with love? lol Sorry to hear about the food poisioning, bummer! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)
Ugh...so sorry. That is not fun!
I do like to scrapbook or watch movies when the family is gone :)
Love your journaling - great photos! I hope that you are feeling better soon! Maybe you should stick to soup and sandwich when you are home alone! :<) Wishing you happiness today!
Barbara Diane
You crack me up with the "questionable" mac & cheese. :) My hubs took the boys camping tonight so you'd think I'd take advantage of the quiet house and craft, right? Nope, instead I'm blog surfing.
I'm crafting in my mind. {Sort of...}
So sorry you had food poisoning. That does not sound fun.
Your Project life is awesome :)
My family never leaves me with the house to myself, so I have to do my creating when they are home. Or I will leave to go elsewhere ;)
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