Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Ahhhh! Its the first day of June!

That statement can be followed up in a few very different ways:

"I am moving to Chicago THIS MONTH!!! How exciting?!"

I just want to get there and start unpacking and organizing everything now!

"My students have officially lost their minds!"

And it probably didn't help that today students were decorating their shirts for the Math-Science Olympics tomorrow!

Here are a few highlights:

Me (to an aimlessly wondering student): Where are you going? Wait! Where are your shoes?
Student 1: I took them off.
Me: Why?
Student 1: Ummmmm
Me: Go put them back on!

20 minutes later, he had them off again!

Student 1: What is she doing?
Student 2: She's conducting an imaginary orchestra.
Student 3: *conducts even more wildly*


Where have their minds gone??? I just need them to hold on for a few more days! Just get through finals, heck, just get through the science final, and then they can go as crazy as they want!

"We can finally stop asking 'Is it June yet?'!"

4 high school/9 middle school teaching days left!!!


Mary Pat Siehl said...

so excited that tomorrow is our last day of finals and then in service on friday--then hello summer!

Katie said...

congratulations! there is nothing like summer :)

AiringMyLaundry said...

Enjoy your summer!

I also move this month. I'm excited and nervous.

Katie said...

Moving is really exciting, and nerve wracking. I constantly go back and forth between the two feelings!

Good luck with your move! I hope it goes well!

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