It has been quite a long time since I've linked up with Scavenger Hunt Sunday. And I definitely missed it, but it got to the point where I'd been gone for so long that I felt silly coming back (yeah, dumb of me, I know!)
One of my goals for the rest of the year is to link up every Sunday. Its like a fall resolution instead of a New Year's one!
Orange or PINK in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month
These pink flowers sit in our hallway by the elevator. I've passed them a million times, and never photographed them before!
Faceless Portrait (aim for a selfie)
Wearing my favorite orange jeans, with my favorite sweater, and standing on a step stool in order to take a picture in our bathroom mirror!
View from the Top
There was no question about what I'd photograph when I read this prompt - I headed straight up to the roof. Although I didn't like taking these photos. I am afraid of heights, and being that close to the edge scared me a lot. I didn't even like looking at the photos while safely seated on my couch!
Candles always make the apartment feel more cozy. This one is a Yankee jar candle that I altered earlier this season.
The pumpkins we drove 4 hours round trip to get - that is a story for later this week!
I hope you all are having a wonderful Sunday! I'll be back tomorrow with some happy mail :)

I don't think I would have been as brave as you to go on the roof but you did get a great picture.
Oh my goodness....I LOVE LOVE LOVE your view from the top. That is incredible. And I would so be like would freak me out taking that picture...but I am so glad you did. :) And I love your selfie...I have thinking all week, I need to buy a stool and put it in the car, because I am always wanting one when I take pictures. I love your set!!!
View from the top-worth the stretch of fear of heights. Great image. I love that you're doing a "fall resolution". NYears gets really overworked and any day is a new day to start new or over again. Hope you make it.
Love your shot of Lake Michigan from your apartment building. I would have had a hard time taking that shot, too!
that picture of Lake Michigan is beautiful. four hour trip to check out the pumpkins.... what a trip. will be back to check out the story behind that adventure.
You knocked Scavenger Hunt Sunday out of the park...great images!!! And I am in agrement with most of the other commenters that view of Lake Michigan is magnificent!
Great shots! Nice work on "view from the top", it would've freaked me out to take that photo too!
I love your view from the top! Fabulous location. Pretty flowers by your elevator. Have a great week. Looking forward to hearing about a four hour drive for gourds! LOL
I haven't linked up in awhile either but I might have photos for the prompt (or most of them) from our trip this weekend. Your jeans and sweater are so cute! You looked sassy! :)
You were brave to go up on the roof for that shot! Awesome!! Can't wait to hear the pumpkin story!
I absolutely LOVE "view from the top". So pretty. Great job this week!
I always LOVE your Scavenger Hunt Sunday posts :) Glad to see they're back!! That view from the top picture is awesome! Love your sweater and what is it about candles that make everything seem more cozy? :)
Wonderful photos.
Wow your View from the Top is awesome. I am afraid of heights too now (never use to be but am now) I aplaud your courage to take this shot.
The Candles are very Cozy looking.
Awesome photos :)
Ashley bought a pair of rust coloured pants or leggings. Looks stunning for Autumn :)
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