Welcome to November!
I can't believe it is November already! Where is this year going?
On the bright side, its week three of my fall resolution to link up with Scavenger Hunt Sunday every week and I'm still here! This may be the longest resolution I've ever kept! I think this is because most of my resolutions involved eating better and working out (two things I do not love) and this resolution involves photography and blogging (two things I very much love!)
The effects from Sandy reached all the way out here into Chicago and whipped the lake into a frenzy. It was breaking over the sidewalk, and the trail was closed to pedestrians (not that it stopped us!)
Last night, I took down my Halloween decorations and replaced them with Thanksgiving ones to welcome November. I am loving these candles - they were so easy to make with glitter, mod podge and dollar store votives! If you're interested, you can check out the tutorial here :)
The lakefront trail may have been closed, but that didn't stop us (or the other dozen people out there!) from getting out and photographing the waves!
It was so dreary out on Tuesday, the only vibrant things out there were my rain boots! I'm really glad that I wore them too - I wasn't paying enough attention when a wave came up and got soaked. But my shoes kept me nice and dry :)
My Halloween bracelet. A classic on 10/31 :)
Well, that it for me today! I hope you have a great rest of the weekend!

Great captures! That water sure is wild and I love your adorable vibrant rain boots! The Halloween bracelet is adorable! I have to take down my Halloween decorations now and put up the Thanksgiving ones. I feel so behind but we just had "Halloween" yesterday. :) I do enjoy the Thanksgiving stuff so I better "get on that" today. Oh and hanging our curtains (fingers crossed).
I like your welcome shot and the vibrant one the best. Hope the lake is back to normal.
Oh I love your rain boots!! So right, your bracelet is classic Halloween :)
Those wellies are too cute and I really like your bracelet - reminds me, I forgot to pull mine out this year. Enjoyed your interpretations this week.
I've seen some awesome shots of Lake Michigan in all her fury this past week taken over by Michigan City. I had to work that day & couldn't escape to the lakeshore - so jealous of you!
Love the boots!
Awesome set this week! love your boots.
I am happy you kept up with this resolution as well, because I love looking at your photos.
The photo of your boots in the water, makes me long for our cottage beach :(
I think I have the same problem as you on the other 2 resolutions...ate some chips and dip tonight ;)
Great water shot! And I love your boots!
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