Although I made this card for AJ. I used Rhoda Designs digital stamps from Etsy (so wonderful!)
But that was all, because I've been working in the kitchen! I'll give you a sneak peak of the yumminess :)
Well, I have to run and rescue my flowers from my closed and locked office because 1-800-Flowers didn't feel the need to deliver them before 5pm. But you can check out more desks over Julia's blog.

Update: Well, we will never be using 1-800-Flowers. The rescue mission didn't work, because the flowers that had been "delivered" according to their email hadn't been. As of right now, we don't know where they are.
2pm: AJ calls 1-800-Flowers because I have not called him about getting flowers at my office. They tell him flowers are delivered up until 7pm. He asks to change to address to the apartment, since my office closes at 5pm. They say no.
Sometime after 2pm: AJ calls 1-800-Flowers again, customer service is unavailable. They are not answering phone calls. He attempts to check the order status online, and is told that order statuses are not available on Valentine's Day, but he can check tomorrow.
4:30pm: AJ calls me to see if I got the flowers. I have not. I try calling 1-800-Flowers to see if they are close and I should keep the office open a little past 5pm. According to the recording at their phone number, customer service is "too busy" to answer phone calls right now.
4:53pm: After a series of tweets, I get the attention of someone at 1-800-Flowers. They say they will work with me to get the address changed.
5:22pm: They say the address has been changed to my apartment address.
6:30pm: AJ receives an email stating that the flowers have been delivered to my office address. We don't actually receive this email until 7:30pm, after we finished dinner.
7:30pm: We call the front desk to see if the flowers are in our building. They aren't. Brownies are still in the oven.
8:00pm: Go downstairs, get my car and head to my office.
8:30pm: We arrive at my office to pick up the flowers. A co worker who was working late is still there. She said nothing had been delivered in the time we were not there. She said she hadn't even left to go to the bathroom.
10:00pm: Finally get customer service on the phone. They say the flowers have been to delivered, but no one signed for them, and no one can get in touch with the florist. I am told they are either a. on the truck, b. sitting outside my building (because the driver probably didn't have time to walk inside and give them to the door man, yes, that's what 1-800-Flowers told me) or c. sitting outside my office (they aren't, I was there). No one can tell me where they are. It was insinuated to me that its "unfortunate" that my building is on the street because they were probably left outside and taken! Then I was yelled at by the customer service rep for getting upset. AJ got on the phone, and was told I would still receive the flowers, but due to the fact that they had not honored the terms of the contact (guaranteed delivery on Valentine's Day, signature required for delivery).
10:05pm: I go downstairs just to make sure they weren't left outside my building. They weren't. My doorman took pity on me and gave me a rose because at this point, I was in tears. I'm going to make him a thank you card today.
10:28am: I receive a message on Twitter saying my order was canceled. Read: despite what AJ was told, I will not be receiving my flowers, on Valentine's Day or any day.
8:52am (Wednesday): I receive a response from 1-800-Flowers on Facebook saying they will do anything they can to rectify this situation. I private messaged them as requested and am now waiting for a response.
9:43am (Wednesday): After speaking to a customer service rep on the phone, AJ will be receiving a full refund, and my flowers will be delivered before 5pm today. Thank you very much to 1-800-Flowers for rectifying this situation. Now that we have a happy resolution, I can take pictures of my flowers and make a pretty scrapbook page detailing this debacle!
12:50pm (Wednesday): Was just told that a delivery attempt was made but no one was there so my flowers were brought back to the shop. It is a lie, as I have not left my desk all day! I have been on hold for 7 minutes waiting for a manger.
1:20pm (Wednesday): Finally spoke with a manager, was put on hold again while she contacted the florist. It seems the order for my flowers was never even placed, so it never went out for delivery, so they were not delivered. Now they are going to my apartment sometime today. We hope. I'm going to keep my fingers crossed, but I'm not going to count on it, because I really don't feel like crying any more than I have already. On the bright side - crying makes me not hungry, kicking off my new Weight Watchers week and I haven't used any points yet...I did manage to drink a cup of tea though.
2pm: AJ calls 1-800-Flowers because I have not called him about getting flowers at my office. They tell him flowers are delivered up until 7pm. He asks to change to address to the apartment, since my office closes at 5pm. They say no.
Sometime after 2pm: AJ calls 1-800-Flowers again, customer service is unavailable. They are not answering phone calls. He attempts to check the order status online, and is told that order statuses are not available on Valentine's Day, but he can check tomorrow.
4:30pm: AJ calls me to see if I got the flowers. I have not. I try calling 1-800-Flowers to see if they are close and I should keep the office open a little past 5pm. According to the recording at their phone number, customer service is "too busy" to answer phone calls right now.
4:53pm: After a series of tweets, I get the attention of someone at 1-800-Flowers. They say they will work with me to get the address changed.
5:22pm: They say the address has been changed to my apartment address.
6:30pm: AJ receives an email stating that the flowers have been delivered to my office address. We don't actually receive this email until 7:30pm, after we finished dinner.
7:30pm: We call the front desk to see if the flowers are in our building. They aren't. Brownies are still in the oven.
8:00pm: Go downstairs, get my car and head to my office.
8:30pm: We arrive at my office to pick up the flowers. A co worker who was working late is still there. She said nothing had been delivered in the time we were not there. She said she hadn't even left to go to the bathroom.
10:00pm: Finally get customer service on the phone. They say the flowers have been to delivered, but no one signed for them, and no one can get in touch with the florist. I am told they are either a. on the truck, b. sitting outside my building (because the driver probably didn't have time to walk inside and give them to the door man, yes, that's what 1-800-Flowers told me) or c. sitting outside my office (they aren't, I was there). No one can tell me where they are. It was insinuated to me that its "unfortunate" that my building is on the street because they were probably left outside and taken! Then I was yelled at by the customer service rep for getting upset. AJ got on the phone, and was told I would still receive the flowers, but due to the fact that they had not honored the terms of the contact (guaranteed delivery on Valentine's Day, signature required for delivery).
10:05pm: I go downstairs just to make sure they weren't left outside my building. They weren't. My doorman took pity on me and gave me a rose because at this point, I was in tears. I'm going to make him a thank you card today.
10:28am: I receive a message on Twitter saying my order was canceled. Read: despite what AJ was told, I will not be receiving my flowers, on Valentine's Day or any day.
8:52am (Wednesday): I receive a response from 1-800-Flowers on Facebook saying they will do anything they can to rectify this situation. I private messaged them as requested and am now waiting for a response.
9:43am (Wednesday): After speaking to a customer service rep on the phone, AJ will be receiving a full refund, and my flowers will be delivered before 5pm today. Thank you very much to 1-800-Flowers for rectifying this situation. Now that we have a happy resolution, I can take pictures of my flowers and make a pretty scrapbook page detailing this debacle!
12:50pm (Wednesday): Was just told that a delivery attempt was made but no one was there so my flowers were brought back to the shop. It is a lie, as I have not left my desk all day! I have been on hold for 7 minutes waiting for a manger.
1:20pm (Wednesday): Finally spoke with a manager, was put on hold again while she contacted the florist. It seems the order for my flowers was never even placed, so it never went out for delivery, so they were not delivered. Now they are going to my apartment sometime today. We hope. I'm going to keep my fingers crossed, but I'm not going to count on it, because I really don't feel like crying any more than I have already. On the bright side - crying makes me not hungry, kicking off my new Weight Watchers week and I haven't used any points yet...I did manage to drink a cup of tea though.
5:31pm (Wednesday): Just got home from work, shockingly there are no flowers here. I'm on hold with 1-800-Flowers again. This is more than just about the flowers now, this is about principle. I do not like being lied to. The funny thing is, if they'd just fessed up to messing up yesterday, I wouldn't have cared at all. Its the lying and treating me like an idiot that I cannot stand.
5:51pm (Wednesday): Still on hold...I'm "next". I've been "next" for almost 10 minutes.
6:00pm (Wednesday): The flowers had never been sent (really? no way!). They will be sent tomorrow to my apartment.
2:41pm (Thursday): MY FLOWERS ARE HERE!

What an endorsement for 1-800-flowers. Makes me want to rush out and use them (NOT). Hope you get to them on time. Your desk looks like organized chaos. Very tidy, really! Love your reflection in the window. Happy WOYWW from # 3.
Oooooo, are those brownies? And do I spy reese cups inside? I'm getting hungry!
Enjoy your flowers, however late. :-)
Happy Woyww!
Sandy #19
ohoo Love brownies, Hubby makes them! Good luck with the flowers, Have a crafty Week HaPpY WoYwW!!
Look at all the hidden projects in that "big mess" - love the windows, lucky you! Wishing you a happy day!
Barbara Diane
Ohhh it looks delicious and I love the peek of you in the window.
Love seeing the reflection of you taking the picture, hope you got your flowers OK! Ya'll are getting a jumpstart on me for WOYWW but mine will be up tomorrow! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)
Oh heck! Sorry about the flowers. Really sorry. Must say at first I thought you meant you were talking about eight hundred flowers and I had visions of them all over the bathroom etc.
Nice desk, nice card and nice Brownies. Is that a mirror at the back of the desk or glass fronted cupboards?
Don't forget to call in and check out my blog candy - it closes late tonight and I should be drawing tomorrow. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Neet 29
...ahhh the smell of baking and the delight of eating...have a fab week...Mel :)
lovely cooking, beautiful card, sorry to hear about your flowers, i have heard more stories from work, from people who had the same issues, if they cant cope with the orders -dont take them on! great workspace, Happy WOYWW 141, thank you for sharing with us, #52
Good morning; just having a quick pop my head round the door moment, before I have to get on with all my chores! Lovely to see what you are up to this week.
Neil #49 or thereabouts!
BOO SUCKS to rubbish flower sellers :(
YAY to yummy brownies
DOUBLE YAY for your lovely man who obviously adores you!
Hugs, LLJ #72 xx
I don't use the 1-800 people either for a similar reason. My son sent flowers for my birthday in July and they left them in a box on my front porch in 100+ weather and then told me that it wasn't their fault it was so hot...Hope you have a great week and thanks for sharing. Don't forget my blog candy is still up for grabs so drop by and leave a comment and make sure you are a follower. Vickie #64
What a sad tale with the flowers - hope they turn up sometime! Happy WOYWW instead, Helen 17
Awww Bless you, I hope you get your flowers x x Have a great week, Hugs May x x x
desk is looking great! and talk about horrible costomer service!! i agree i would never order from them again. glad you finally found your flowers though
Fab desk, horrible flower people, but yummy looking sneaky peeks! Hope you get your flower situation sorted. Take care, thanks for sharing & enjoy this WOYWW. Zo xx 88
What a pain! But so pleased you finally got the flowers tho, a crafty creative desk, Hope you have a great week Lou @ # 91
Eek about the flowers! But love the desk and the yummy chocolate! Kim
That brownie dessert looks amazing! So sorry about your awful experience about 1-800-NOFLOWERS!! You should get 10 dozen roses out of this mess!
love to see your creative desk!
Happy Wednesday :-)
Hugs Marleen #45
A busy and creative desk - and kitchen! (Hazel, WOYW #138) x
Glad that you finally got the flowers but looks like they've lost loads of potential customers (us) with that attitude. Just have AJ buy the flowers a day before next year and hide them for a day! Hope you enjoyed the brownies and VDay non the less. Cute card and you have a spectacular view of Chicago out of those windows.
Brenda 6
Oh dear, we just did a 1-800 flower order for a co-worker in the hospital. I hope they get there! The boss tried in vain to get the flowers ordered yesterday but couldn't get through.
As far as your desk goes, you still have room to play, so not that big of a mess! Fun little card you shared.
Oh man, I would be so upset! Mike has used them before and while I was not thrilled, I think he liked using them for ease of purchase. I'll be sure to pass on your story. Keep us updated... I love the card you made AJ, so sweet! I haven't used digis before, but would love to!
I'd have been irritated too. What a pain!
Great look at your desk and your brownies! Hope your flower situation gets sorted out soon. dani28
awww so sad to hear your flower horror story but glad you finally got them today. Your desk looks great a desk full of piles ready to go or do something, happy woyww #54!
moral of the story. . . never buy flowers on valentines day!! enjoy your brownies
janet #60
Not a fan of 1800 flowers either...
Cute card and your desk looks creative!
Glad the flowers arrived (at last)! Happy belated WOYWW.
Celestial Things
Hi Katie, I'm late to your post but what a horror story ... I'd have been in tears too and it's too bad that your were lied to and shouted at, really bad customer service. I hope after all that you are having a lovely weekend. Elizabeth x #114
Oh Katie that's awful! We've had a similar problem with different florist over here, and I'm sad to say it but I think it's fairly common! You ought to tell them that, thanks to their screw up, there are a couple of hundred ladies worldwide who know what they've done, and the word will spread.....LOL
BTW - love how you've caught both yourself and what looks like Mr Katie in the window on your desk photo - fab!
Thanks for stopping by....
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