Its Friday, so I'm sharing my Project Life pages from last week. I'm not sure what was going on with me last week, but I totally forgot to take pictures!
Center Row: 1. The view from our apartment, in real life, this picture actually shows really bright pink streaks across the sky! 2. A huge Dunkin Donuts 3. Summer 2012 4. The cover of our book club book
Bottom Row: 1. A cell phone picture of the sky, threatening to rain just as I started walking to the train station! 2. A really huge slice of pizza. Its actually bigger than my head. But I still ate the whole thing ;)
I've never used this page style before. I wasn't really sure what to do with the 4 6x6 slots, but, I didn't have any pictures, so I thought it would work!
Things will probably be different next week, since I took tons of pictures! I'm not sure what I am going to do with all of them!
Well, I'm going to go do some more chores, then AJ and I are going out for appetizers tonight. There is a Mexican place near us and we love their margaritas, and their appetizers and guacamole, but not the actually dinners! So we figured we'd go out for our own little "happy hour" but then have dinner at home! The rest of the weekend is going to be really relaxing. We don't have any plans (except AJ's golfing, but that's not news!). I'm so excited to do nothing all weekend long! Do you have any plans this weekend?
More Project Life:
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4

More Project Life:
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4

Oh my gosh that pizza looks amazing and I'd eat the whole thing too!! Also your brownies. YUM! How did book club go??
You did start summer with a bang! Going out for Mexican appetizers and margaritas sounds perfect!!
You are doing really well with Project Life. And I think you don't need a lot of pictures :)
We are hoping for a relaxing weekend here without a lot of plans, but it never seems to work out that way lately :)
oh i love mac n cheese!
The sky looks really cool! Too funny that the pizza was was bigger than your head! Have you read all of that book yet? How was it? It's been the talk of the lunchroom, and I downloaded the free trial on my kindle, by haven't committed to actually purchasing it yet :) Your weekend sounds fabulous! I wish Mike was going to be home tomorrow so he could do nothing with us :)
Your pages turned out great. Looks like you have plenty of photos to me.
Funny story about that book.
My middle, quiet daughter asked me if I had heard of 50 shades of grey, when we were in the quiet book store. I told her no, but I hear its good, so I will probably read it.
She yelled don't read it mom, its like a porno in book form, its disgusting. LOL.
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