We went to Wrigley Field four times in one week! Three times because the Mets were playing there, and once because a family friend was in town so we joined him for a Sunday afternoon game!
Middle Row: Our seats were so near the top, we could glimpse the lake! ~ The field as twilight
Bottom Row: The field is broad daylight ~ The score board (17-1!) ~ The view from the bleachers on Sunday
Top Row: A very lazy lunch
Middle Row: Lunch on the beach ~ My trendy manicure ~ Our favorite path in the park is closed off because endangered birds are nesting there!
Bottom Row: We walked home from Wrigley, at this point, I was exhausted, but we still had to cross the park ~ Eating dinner at Gino's East
I am so excited that it is Friday! This has been a really weird week with Fourth of July falling on a Wednesday. Tomorrow, AJ and I are going to the Kenny Chesney-Tim McGraw concert. Which means I am listening to a lot of country, I don't know too many Tim McGraw songs!
And my parents are coming to visit tomorrow! They knew that we had the concert when they decided to come this week, but they wanted to fly in Saturday anyway. We won't see them until Sunday morning, but I am so excited. We are going to spend Sunday touring Chicago, and then (while AJ and my dad golf), my mom, one of my bridesmaids and I are going wedding dress shopping on Monday! I can't wait!!
Do you have any fun plans for this weekend? A lot of people held off on their Fourth of July bbqs because everyone had to work on Thursday, are you heading to a bbq this weekend?
More Project Life:
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6

You have so much going on in your life right now that project Life is just perfect for capturing everything! Love the trendy manicure with the lovely engagement ring, of course ;) Had to smile that it was that hand you chose to photograph! Hope you had a great time at the concert and an even better time with your folks! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)
very fun- love the mani!!!
The week at Wrigley, that's funny! I love the mani too! Your weekend sounds like a lot of fun! As you know, the All Star Game is here next week, so Mike is running in the All Star 5K on Sunday and then Fan Fest is going on all weekend. He bought tickets for Monday, sadly I'll be at work, but he's taking Abie, who is a HUGE baseball fan :) Can't wait to hear about the dress shopping!!!
You are so busy!
Wedding dress shopping sounds fun. For me, even though I tried on a few, I ended up finally buying the first dress I tried on! :)
How exciting! Hope you have a blast at the concert and with your parents !!!!
Wrigley looks really nice...it must have been fun to go to so many games in one week! So cool that you can walk there!
Yay for checking off your summer list!
I love your trendy mani!
Great pages...as always.
Enjoy your wedding dress shopping :)
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